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Re: RDB data access error when I updated to LAS6.4???

Hi cch,

Thank you, you have found a bug.
poly/coord_ax=Z/key/over/nolab/lev=30/pal=default jlon+PLMxpolymark*sym_size, jlat+PLMypolymark*sym_size, tt
This command is set in the Ferret script server/jnls/insitu/insitu_poly_xy.jnl
poly/coord_ax=Z/key/over/nolab/lev=$3"50"/pal=$4"rnb2"  jlon+PLMxpolymark*sym_size, jlat+PLMypolymark*sym_size, $2
IF `($xstart) LT 0` THEN
  poly/coord_ax=Z/key/over/nolab/lev=$3"50"/pal=$4"rnb2"  jlon-360+PLMxpolymark*sym_size, jlat+PLMypolymark*sym_size, $2
IF `($xend) GT 360` THEN
  poly/coord_ax=Z/key/over/nolab/lev=$3"50"/pal=$4"rnb2"  jlon+360+PLMxpolymark*sym_size, jlat+PLMypolymark*sym_size, $2

$2 refers to the variable name 'tt', but in insitu_setup.jnl, the variable has been subsampled due to it's size and renamed 'jtt'. that is why the number of values(18547) does not match the number of polygons(4637). Notice the other arguments to the polygon command include jlon and jlat instead of xax and yax - these are our subsampled axis variables at the correct length of 4637.

SOLUTION: change the Ferret script arg reference $2 to j$2 (and the correct variable will be used in the polygon command.
poly/coord_ax=Z/key/over/nolab/lev=$3"50"/pal=$4"rnb2"  jlon+PLMxpolymark*sym_size, jlat+PLMypolymark*sym_size, j$2
I will submit a bug report and correct the scripts.

Thank you,
cch wrote:
Hi, LAS users,
I have successfully added mysql data following the instructions on http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/LASdoc/serve/cache/20.html .
It worked fine in LAS6.3.
But I have trouble after I updated the version to LAS6.4.
The following error occurred when users access RDB data:
LAS Error
The following error message was received from LAS:
Adding an acceptable error string: "*** NOTE: ".
 	FERRET v5.70  
 	Linux(g77) 2.4.18 - 06/30/04
 	28-Jul-04 09:50     

yes? cancel mode verify
yes? cancel mode interp
yes? canc data/all
yes? go std_initialize "output/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.nc" "1" "1" "tt"
yes? set win/size=.5
yes? set region/x="14.0":"86.0"/y="-29.0":"45.0"/z="-999":"699"/t="20-Jul-2004 06:00:00":"26-Jul-2004 06:00:00"
yes? GO "/tmp/lasgo29333648190.jnl"
 **ERROR: invalid command: no. of values (18547) doesnt match no. of polygons (4637)
poly/coord_ax=Z/key/over/nolab/lev=30/pal=default  jlon+PLMxpolymark*sym_size, jlat+PLMypolymark*sym_size, tt
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
This error message will only be received when select output = "Surface values plot".
If select output = "Text", it worked fine and dumped output data in text form.

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