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RDB data access error when I updated to LAS6.4???

Hi, LAS users,
I have successfully added mysql data following the instructions on http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/LASdoc/serve/cache/20.html .
It worked fine in LAS6.3.
But I have trouble after I updated the version to LAS6.4.
The following error occurred when users access RDB data:
LAS Error
The following error message was received from LAS:
Adding an acceptable error string: "*** NOTE: ".
 	FERRET v5.70  
 	Linux(g77) 2.4.18 - 06/30/04
 	28-Jul-04 09:50     

yes? cancel mode verify
yes? cancel mode interp
yes? canc data/all
yes? go std_initialize "output/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.nc" "1" "1" "tt"
yes? set win/size=.5
yes? set region/x="14.0":"86.0"/y="-29.0":"45.0"/z="-999":"699"/t="20-Jul-2004 06:00:00":"26-Jul-2004 06:00:00"
yes? GO "/tmp/lasgo29333648190.jnl"
 **ERROR: invalid command: no. of values (18547) doesnt match no. of polygons (4637)
poly/coord_ax=Z/key/over/nolab/lev=30/pal=default  jlon+PLMxpolymark*sym_size, jlat+PLMypolymark*sym_size, tt
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
This error message will only be received when select output = "Surface values plot".
If select output = "Text", it worked fine and dumped output data in text form.
The attached file is the insitu data XML file.
Anybody understand why this would happen?
 <synop name="synop"

   <database_access name="MySQL">

   <tt name="Temperature (tt)" units="C">
    <link match="/lasdata/grids/synop_XYZT_grid"/>
  <link match="/lasdata/axes/synop_X"/>
  <link match="/lasdata/axes/synop_Y"/>
  <link match="/lasdata/axes/synop_Z"/>
  <link match="/lasdata/axes/synop_T"/>
 <synop_X units="degree_east" type="x">
  <arange start="-179" step="1" size="360"/>
 <synop_Y units="degree_north" type="y">
  <arange start="-89" step="1" size="180"/>
 <synop_Z units="dbar" type="z">
 <synop_T units="hour" type="t">
  <v>2004-07-20 06:00:00</v>
  <v>2004-07-21 06:00:00</v>
  <v>2004-07-22 06:00:00</v>
  <v>2004-07-23 06:00:00</v>
  <v>2004-07-24 06:00:00</v>
  <v>2004-07-25 06:00:00</v>
  <v>2004-07-26 06:00:00</v>

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