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LAS 6.3 : Adding scattered data (from a database)

Thanks, Jon!
I have upgraded to LAS 6.3 and ferret 5.6 with redhat 7.3.
I created configuration file for test database following the instructions on
The test database is named testDB and has a table testTable.
The content of testTable is shown below:
mysql> select * from testTable;
 |    id    |    lo     |    la     |    time              |    sst     |
 |     1    |    10    |    15    |  1999-01-01    |    47     |
 |     2    |    20    |    25    |  1999-02-01    |    57     |
 |     3    |    40    |    45    |  1999-03-01    |    67     |
 |     4    |    75    |    80    |  1999-04-01    |    77     |
 |     5    |    80    |    90    |  1999-05-01    |    59     |
But when I tried to access database through LAS ui, following error message occured:
LAS Error
 The following error message was received from LAS:
 Adding an acceptable error string: "*** NOTE: ".
         FERRET v5.60 
         Linux(g77) 2.4.18 - 04/09/04
         21-Apr-04 17:18    
 yes? cancel mode verify
 yes? cancel mode interp
 yes? define symbol refmap_xhi = 84.0
 yes? define symbol refmap_yhi = 90.0
 yes? define symbol land_type = shade
 yes? define symbol refmap_xlo = 10.0
 yes? define symbol jnl_t = ARRAY(0x84eaafc)
 yes? define symbol refmap_view = box
 yes? define symbol refmap_ylo = 15.0
 yes? define symbol variable_name_0 = sst
 yes? define symbol fill_type = fill
 yes? define symbol jnl_x = ARRAY(0x84eaa84)
 yes? define symbol view_centered = no
 yes? define symbol variable_name = ARRAY(0x880a7b0)
 yes? define symbol jnl_y = ARRAY(0x84eaae4)
 yes? define symbol jnl_z = ARRAY(0x84eaa00)
 yes? define symbol diag_direction = up
 yes? define symbol dataset_name_0 = asia_prof_ctd.cdp
 yes? define symbol dataset_name = ARRAY(0x880a7d4)
 yes? define symbol rank = 3
 yes? canc data/all
 yes? go std_initialize "output/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.nc" "1" "1" "sst"
 yes? set region/x="10.0":"84.0"/y="15.0":"90.0"/k=1/t="01-Jan-1999":"01-May-1999"
 yes? GO "jnls/insitu/insitu_setup.jnl" "output/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.nc" "TAX" "testTable" "sst"
 yes? go insitu_meta_xy "output/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.nc" TAX 10.0:84.0 15.0:90.0
  **ERROR: command syntax: SCAT2DDUPS(jlon,jlat,0.74,0.75)
           unknown function "SCAT2DDUPS"
 DEFINE VARIABLE/quiet dups = SCAT2DDUPS(jlon,jlat,0.74,0.75)
 Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
The XML configuration file is shown below.
 <testTable name="testTable"
   <database_access name="MySQL">
   <sst name="sst" units="C">
    <link match="/lasdata/grids/testTable_XYZT_grid"/>
  <link match="/lasdata/axes/testTable_X"/>
  <link match="/lasdata/axes/testTable_Y"/>
<!--  <link match="/lasdata/axes/testTable_Z"/> -->
  <link match="/lasdata/axes/testTable_T"/>
 <testTable_X units="degree_east" type="x">
  <arange start="10" step="1" size="75"/>
 <testTable_Y units="degree_north" type="y">
  <arange start="15" step="1" size="80"/>
<!--  <testTable_Z units="dbar" type="z">
  <arange start="0.0" step="1" size="1047"/>
 </testTable_Z> -->
 <testTable_T units="month" type="t">
  <arange start="19990101" step="1" size="5"/>
Here is the output of ncdump -h, the output file d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e.nc
netcdf d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e {
     index = 5 ;
     dim_one = 1 ;
     trdim = 2 ;
 double trdim(trdim) ;
      trdim:units = "hours since 1999-01-01" ;
      trdim:time_origin = "01-Jan-1999" ;
 double trange(trdim) ;
      trange:units = "hours" ;
 double PROF_ID(index) ;
      PROF_ID:long_name = "Profile ID" ;
      PROF_ID:units = "P" ;
      PROF_ID:missing_value = 0.f ;
 float xax(index) ;
      xax:long_name = "Longitude" ;
      xax:units = "degrees_east" ;
      xax:missing_value = -1.e+34f ;
 float yax(index) ;
      yax:long_name = "Latitude" ;
      yax:units = "degrees_north" ;
      yax:missing_value = -1.e+34f ;
 float zax(index) ;
      zax:long_name = "Depth" ;
      zax:units = "meters" ;
      zax:missing_value = -1.e+34f ;
 double tax(index) ;
      tax:long_name = "Time" ;
      tax:units = "hours since 1999-01-01" ;
      tax:time_origin = "01-Jan-1999" ;
      tax:missing_value = -1.e+34f ;
 float sst(index) ;
      sst:long_name = "sst" ;
      sst:units = "C" ;
      sst:missing_value = -1.e+34f ;
 float NUMPROFS(dim_one) ;
      NUMPROFS:long_name = "number of profiles" ;
      NUMPROFS:units = "unitless" ;
 float NUMOBS(dim_one) ;
      NUMOBS:long_name = "number of observations" ;
      NUMOBS:units = "unitless" ;
Any suggestion for this problem? Thanks!

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