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Re: 10,000 yr limit for calendar time?

Hi Andreas,

For axes as long as 10,000 years the "calendar" formating doesn't
contribute anything. I suggest that you try
and see if the results are satisfactory.

    - steve


Andreas Schmittner wrote:

> Dear Ferret users,
> we use ferret for model output with the time axis in calendar mode.
> When model year 10,000 is passed ferret crashes if we look at results.
> It seems that the number of years are limited to 9999 (four digits).
> Does anyone knows a simple solution?
> Thanks and happy ferreting,
> Andreas
> --
> --------------------------------------------
> Andreas Schmittner
> Climate and Environmental Physics
> Physics Institute        http://www.climate.unibe.ch/~aschmi/
> University of Bern                  schmittner@climate.unibe.ch
> Sidlerstrasse 5                                 phone:  +41 31 631 34 02
> 3012 Bern, Switzerland                      fax:  +41 31 631 44 05
> --------------------------------------------

Steve Hankin
NOAA/PMEL, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115-0070
ph. (206) 526-6080 -- FAX (206) 526-6744

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