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Re: Line colors and thicknesses...

WARNING: I have tested this briefly and it seems to work, but I have personally
never used this before.

The method involves the PPL+ additions added by Jerry Davison (look for the
documentation in the doc subdirectory of ferret.

You must plot any lines beyond 6 with overlay.

For example:

! plot the first six lines
plot line1,line2,line3,line4,line5,line6

! plot line 7, using line type 1
plot/over/set/line=1 line7
! make pen 1 be yellow
ppl color 1,75,85,0
! execute the plot
ppl plot/over

This will reset pen 1 to be yellow for the rest of the session, so my
suggestion is to always use pen 1 (and line type 1) for lines 7, 8, etc....,
and then at the end of the plot issue a: ppl color 1,0,0,0 to go back to black
for line 1
Also, if you cause a repaint of the window, all lines drawn with pen 1 will
become the color that pen 1 is now defined for the ferret window. This does not
seem to affect the metafile line colors.

Oh, the format for color is:

ppl color n,red,green,blue
  Where n is 1-6, and red,green,blue are the rgb intensities from 0 to 100%

Good luck!

On Aug 2,  2:20pm, Gary Strand wrote:
> Subject: Line colors and thicknesses...
> I've read the doc, the FAQ, and done numerous tests.
> How does one (if possible) draw a 7th and 8th line as normal thickness but
> ferent colors than black and red? I'm envisioning something like:
> plot/set var1,var2,var3,var4,var5,var6,var7,var8
> ppl color 7 60 60 60
> ppl color 8 60  0  0
> ppl plot
> and having it work properly.
> Any help/ideas? Thanks!
> --
> Gary Strand
> strandwg@ucar.edu
>-- End of excerpt from Gary Strand

 Mark Verschell                     NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
 verschell@neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov    Code 970/Lab. for Hydrospheric Proc.
 301-614-5669  Fax: 301-614-5666    Greenbelt, MD 20771

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