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Re: Binary 2 netCDF

Hi David,

it seems like you're trying to read binary big_endian files with
Ferret on a DEC system. Well, I tried several times too and it never
worked (I don't know if Ferret can do it, Steve, Ed ??). 

I know of 2 ways to fix this :

1) Recreate your binary files in direct access form and use the 
   qualifier /form=stream instead of /form=unf in the Ferret "file"

2) Recreate your binary files in little_endian format and still use
   /form=stream instead of /form=unf but now you also need to add
   the qualifier /skip=1 in the file command in order to skip the 
   record-length byte.

Then Ferret should be able to read your files. This is what I did 
on DELL PC working under Linux. It's quite empirical but it works!

Good luck.

Daniel Jamous

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