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Re: [ferret_users] pyferret package not found ?

I think (but may be incorrect) that the issue is that you have an M1 Mac and thus are looking for a osx-arm64 binary which ferret/pyferret is not currently being built for (https://anaconda.org/search?q=pyferret or https://anaconda.org/search?q=ferret).  I believe you will have to try building it from the source code.


On Tue, Jun 14, 2022 at 7:24 AM Pratik Kad <pratikkad17@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Please make sure that you already installed the following packages:-

numpy, libgfortran, pyside2, pyside, pyqt, python-qt5, python-qt4, PyQt5, netCDF


Shaun Bell - Physical Scientist               

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