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Re: [ferret_users] multiple legend


The command qualifier PLOT/KEY=title will use the titles from the variables in the legend of a line plot. Try this example

yes? let/title="Line one" _one_ =  3*X+2
yes? let/title= "Line Two" two = X - 1.5
yes? let/title = "Line Three" three =  4*X+3
yes? plot/color/key=title/x=1:100 one, two, three

(I also used PLOT/COLOR there.  This is a fairly recent addition; PLOT/COLOR with no argument will skip black as a color and start with the colored lines.)

For your script, the problem is that you can't nest grave-accent expressions, but you can have a symbol evaluation inside a grave-accent _expression_. Something along these lines should work:

plot/thick= 1/vlim=25:31:0.2 /color=19 a19
repeat/name=mn/range=1:18 (\
plot/over/thick=1/vlim=25:31:0.2/symbol=`mn`/line=`mn` a`mn`;\
define symbol mn= `mn`;\
go legend `mn` "`a($mn),return=title`" ur;\
ppl plot;\

There is yet another option, a new script linekey.jnl, which was just added and is not yet in the PyFerret/Ferret releases. It was mentioned here, https://www.pmel.noaa.gov/maillists/tmap/ferret_users/fu_2019/msg00183.html. I have attached linekey.jnl and test_linekey.jnl which is a demo script that calls it.  This lets you put the legend inside the plot box or outside its edges, and gives control over symbols used in the line samples.


On 8/5/2019 6:51 PM, Saat Mubarrok wrote:
Dear community,

I was trying to plot multiple line for seasonal variation from 19 models from different data sets.
But the problem is I cannot put the legend using legend.jnl. I was trying to use two option based on FAQ and resource from internet:

repeat/name=mm/range=1:19 (\
let modelid=model[i=`mm`];\
let/title="`modelid`" a`mm`=thetao_sst[d=`mm`,y=5s:10s@ave,x=50e:80e@ave, z=1, gt=month_reg@mod];\

plot/thick=1/vlim=25:31:0.2 a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,a8,a9,a10,a11,a12,a13,a14,a15,a16,a17,a18,a19;\

The problem from script above is the legend placed at below the figure and the name of each line is not the model name (modelid) but variable `a1,a2,a3..` instead. I want to put the legend in upper right of figure.
plot/thick= 1/vlim=25:31:0.2 /color=19 a19
repeat/name=mn/range=1:18 (\
plot/over/thick=1/vlim=25:31:0.2/symbol=`mn`/line=`mn` a`mn`;\
go legend `mn` "`a`mn`,return=title`" ur;\
ppl plot;\

The problem is that:
**ERROR: variable unknown or not in data set: A
go legend 1 "`a`mn`,return=title`" ur
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted

So my purpose is to put the legend in upper right part and has a model name on it.
Because I am new to ferret, so any other help, lead, and suggestion is much appreciate.
Thank you very much.

  FERRET v6.64  
  Linux(gfortran) 2.6.9-89.0.20.ELsmp - 09/16/10
  6-Aug-19 10:50

Saat M.

Ansley Manke
NOAA/PMEL Science Data Integration Group
7600 Sand Point Way NE
\cancel mode verify
! linekey.jnl
!   Draw a labeled line sample on a plot, a single line in a legend.
!   User-specified PLOT command with qualifiers for line style, color, 
!     symbol, thickness.
! 5/22/2019
! Arguments
!   1  line number
!   2  title
!   3  plot command with thickness, color, symbol, size
!   4  location on the page ul ur ll lr ulc urc llc lrc, where:
!        ul, ur, ll, lr     are upper left, upper right etc, within the plot box
!        ulc, urc, llc, lrc are upper left corner, etc outside the plot box.
!  For legends in the plot corners, you may need to increase the margins for them to fit.
!  See the margins script:  yes? GO/HELP margins.jnl
!  To make the legend in the upper right of a page, use "CANCEL MODE LOGO" 
!  to remove the ferret-version and date lines.
! Example:
!   cancel mode logo
!   go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
!   plot/i=1:60/thick/sym=20 cos(i/10)
!   plot/over/nolab/i=1:60/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red sin(i/10)
!   go linekey 1 "cosine" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black ur
!   go linekey 2 "sine" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red ur
! NOTE:  For time plots, when running PyFerret, if you have issued SET TEXT for system fonts
!        this script issues a CANCEL TEXT because the text is mis-located using SET TEXT.
! For the legends drawn within the plot box, the first line is drawn nearest
! the upper or lower axis line of the plot, with each new line drawn below that 
! for upper-located legends or above for lower-located ones.

! For legends drawn outside the plot box, the first line is drawn nearest the plot
! box. For upper-located legends the first line is drawn just above the upper axis
! with more lines added above that. For lower-located legends the first line is drawn
! just below the bottom axis with more lines added below that.

DEFINE SYMBOL lk_lnum = ($1)
DEFINE SYMBOL lk_title = ($2%" "%)
DEFINE SYMBOL plot_command = `upcase("($3)")`
DEFINE SYMBOL lk_where = ($4)
DEFINE SYMBOL lk_lsize = ($5"0")

query/ignore $4%1|ul>1|ur>1|ll>1|lr>1|ulc>1|urc>1|llc>1|lrc>1|\
 <location must be ul, ur, ll, lr, ulc, urc, llc or lrc%

! currently SET TEXT setting mis-positions the text on some plots (time-axis plots?)
IF `($program_name"0|PyFerret>1|*>0") and ($AX_HORIZ%0|T>1|*>0%) or ($AX_VERT%0|T>1|*>0%)` THEN 

IF `substring("($plot_command)", 1,1) NE "P"` THEN 
  SAY Argument 3 must be a PLOT command, e.g. PLOT/COLOR=RED
DEFINE SYMBOL plot_command = ($plot_command)/NOLAB/OVER/VS

IF `($lk_lsize) EQ 0` THEN DEFINE SYMBOL lk_lsize = 0.11

! IF it's not explicitly plot/sym=  THEN add /line.  By default plot/vs makes symbol plots
IF `STRINDEX("($plot_command)", "SY") EQ 0` THEN DEFINE SYMBOL plot_command = ($plot_command)/line

LET lk_xrange = ($XAXIS_MAX)-(($XAXIS_MIN))
LET lk_yrange = ($YAXIS_MAX)-(($YAXIS_MIN))

LET lk_aspect = ($PPL$HEIGHT)/($PPL$WIDTH)
LET lk_xdel = 0.04* lk_aspect
LET lk_ydel = 0.03/ lk_aspect

! expand things a bit IF we're in a viewport
LET lk_xdel = `lk_xdel/(($vp_xhi%1%)-($vp_xlo%0%))`
LET lk_ydel = `lk_ydel/(($vp_yhi%1%)-($vp_ylo%0%))`

IF `($lk_where%1|ul>1|*>0%) EQ 1` THEN     ! left top

   LET lk_x1pt = (0.5*lk_xdel)* lk_xrange + (($XAXIS_MIN))
   LET lk_x2pt = lk_xdel*lk_xrange + lk_x1pt
   LET lk_yfac = (1-0.5*lk_ydel) - (($1)-1)* lk_ydel
   LET lk_y1pt = lk_yfac * lk_yrange + ($YAXIS_MIN)
   ($plot_command) {`lk_x1pt`,`lk_x2pt`}, {`lk_y1pt`, `lk_y1pt`}
   LET lk_xlabloc = lk_x2pt + 0.02*lk_xrange
   IF ($AX_HORIZ%0|T>1|*>0%) THEN LET lk_xlabloc = ($PPL$XMAX1)+ 0.02*LK_XRANGE
   ANNOTATE/XPOS=`lk_xlabloc`/YPOS=`lk_y1pt`/HALIGN=-1/VALIGN=0/SIZE=($lk_lsize) "($lk_title)"

ELIF `($lk_where%1|ur>1|*>0%) EQ 1` THEN   ! right top

   LET lk_x1pt = (1-1.5*lk_xdel)* lk_xrange + (($XAXIS_MIN))
   LET lk_x2pt = lk_xdel*lk_xrange + lk_x1pt
   LET lk_yfac = (1-0.5*lk_ydel) - (($1)-1)* lk_ydel
   LET lk_y1pt = lk_yfac * lk_yrange + ($YAXIS_MIN)

   LET lk_xlabloc = lk_x1pt - 0.02*lk_xrange

   ($plot_command) {`lk_x1pt`,`lk_x2pt`}, {`lk_y1pt`, `lk_y1pt`}
   LET lk_xlabloc = lk_x1pt - 0.02*lk_xrange
   IF ($AX_HORIZ%0|T>1|*>0%) THEN LET lk_xlabloc = ($PPL$XMAX1) - 0.06*LK_XRANGE

   ANNOTATE/XPOS=`lk_xlabloc`/YPOS=`lk_y1pt`/HALIGN=1/VALIGN=0/SIZE=($lk_lsize) "($lk_title)"

ELIF `($lk_where%1|ll>1|*>0%) EQ 1` THEN   ! left bottom

   LET lk_x1pt = (0.5*lk_xdel)* lk_xrange + (($XAXIS_MIN))
   LET lk_x2pt = lk_xdel*lk_xrange + lk_x1pt
   LET lk_yfac = 0.5*lk_ydel + (($1)-1)* lk_ydel
   LET lk_y1pt = lk_yfac * lk_yrange + ($YAXIS_MIN)
   ($plot_command) {`lk_x1pt`,`lk_x2pt`}, {`lk_y1pt`, `lk_y1pt`}

   LET lk_xlabloc = lk_x2pt + 0.02*lk_xrange
   IF ($AX_HORIZ%0|T>1|*>0%) THEN LET lk_xlabloc = ($PPL$XMAX1)+ 0.02*LK_XRANGE
   ANNOTATE/XPOS=`lk_xlabloc`/YPOS=`lk_y1pt`/HALIGN=-1/VALIGN=0/SIZE=($lk_lsize) "($lk_title)"

ELIF `($lk_where%1|lr>1|*>0%) EQ 1` THEN   ! right bottom

   LET lk_x1pt = (1-1.5*lk_xdel)* lk_xrange + (($XAXIS_MIN))
   LET lk_x2pt = lk_xdel*lk_xrange + lk_x1pt
   LET lk_yfac = 0.5*lk_ydel + (($1)-1)* lk_ydel
   LET lk_y1pt = lk_yfac * lk_yrange + ($YAXIS_MIN)

   ($plot_command) {`lk_x1pt`,`lk_x2pt`}, {`lk_y1pt`, `lk_y1pt`}
   LET lk_xlabloc = lk_x1pt - 0.02*lk_xrange
   IF ($AX_HORIZ%0|T>1|*>0%) THEN LET lk_xlabloc = ($PPL$XMAX1) - 0.06*LK_XRANGE

   ANNOTATE/XPOS=`lk_xlabloc`/YPOS=`lk_y1pt`/HALIGN=1/VALIGN=0/SIZE=($lk_lsize) "($lk_title)"


! legends in the plot corners.  

! set up to draw outside the plot box
IF `($lk_where%|ulc>1|urc>1|llc>1|lrc>1|*>0%) EQ 1` THEN PPL WINDOW,OFF

IF `($lk_where%1|ulc>1|*>0%) EQ 1` THEN     ! left top

   LET lk_x1pt = (0.5*lk_xdel)* lk_xrange + (($XAXIS_MIN) - 4*lk_xdel*lk_xrange)
   LET lk_x2pt = lk_xdel*lk_xrange + lk_x1pt
   LET lk_yfac = (1-0.5*lk_ydel) + (($1)-1)* lk_ydel
   LET lk_y1pt = lk_yfac * lk_yrange + (($YAXIS_MIN) + 2*lk_ydel*lk_yrange)
   ($plot_command) {`lk_x1pt`,`lk_x2pt`}, {`lk_y1pt`, `lk_y1pt`}

   LET lk_xlabloc = lk_x2pt + 0.02*lk_xrange
   IF ($AX_HORIZ%0|T>1|*>0%) THEN LET lk_xlabloc = ($PPL$XMAX1)+ 0.02*LK_XRANGE
   ANNOTATE/XPOS=`lk_xlabloc`/YPOS=`lk_y1pt`/HALIGN=-1/VALIGN=0/SIZE=($lk_lsize) "($lk_title)"

ELIF `($lk_where%1|urc>1|*>0%) EQ 1` THEN   ! right top

   LET lk_x1pt = (1-1.5*lk_xdel)* lk_xrange + (($XAXIS_MIN) + 4*lk_xdel*lk_xrange)
   LET lk_x2pt = lk_xdel*lk_xrange + lk_x1pt
   LET lk_yfac = (1-0.5*lk_ydel) + (($1)-1)* lk_ydel
   LET lk_y1pt = lk_yfac * lk_yrange + (($YAXIS_MIN) + 2*lk_ydel*lk_yrange)

   ($plot_command) {`lk_x1pt`,`lk_x2pt`}, {`lk_y1pt`, `lk_y1pt`}
   LET lk_xlabloc = lk_x1pt - 0.02*lk_xrange
   IF ($AX_HORIZ%0|T>1|*>0%) THEN LET lk_xlabloc = ($PPL$XMAX1) - 0.06*LK_XRANGE

   ANNOTATE/XPOS=`lk_xlabloc`/YPOS=`lk_y1pt`/HALIGN=1/VALIGN=0/SIZE=($lk_lsize) "($lk_title)"

ELIF `($lk_where%1|llc>1|*>0%) EQ 1` THEN   ! left bottom

   LET lk_x1pt = (0.5*lk_xdel)* lk_xrange + (($XAXIS_MIN) - 4*lk_xdel*lk_xrange)
   LET lk_x2pt = lk_xdel*lk_xrange + lk_x1pt
   LET lk_yfac = 0.5*lk_ydel - (($1)-1)* lk_ydel
   LET lk_y1pt = lk_yfac * lk_yrange + (($YAXIS_MIN) - 2.5*lk_ydel*lk_yrange)
   ($plot_command) {`lk_x1pt`,`lk_x2pt`}, {`lk_y1pt`, `lk_y1pt`}

   LET lk_xlabloc = lk_x2pt + 0.02*lk_xrange
   IF ($AX_HORIZ%0|T>1|*>0%) THEN LET lk_xlabloc = ($PPL$XMAX1)+ 0.02*LK_XRANGE
   ANNOTATE/XPOS=`lk_xlabloc`/YPOS=`lk_y1pt`/HALIGN=-1/VALIGN=0/SIZE=($lk_lsize) "($lk_title)"

ELIF `($lk_where%1|lrc>1|*>0%) EQ 1` THEN   ! right bottom

   LET lk_x1pt = (1-1.5*lk_xdel)* lk_xrange + (($XAXIS_MIN) + 4*lk_xdel*lk_xrange)
   LET lk_x2pt = lk_xdel*lk_xrange + lk_x1pt
   LET lk_yfac = 0.5*lk_ydel - (($1)-1)* lk_ydel
   LET lk_y1pt = lk_yfac * lk_yrange + (($YAXIS_MIN) - 2.5*lk_ydel*lk_yrange)

   ($plot_command) {`lk_x1pt`,`lk_x2pt`}, {`lk_y1pt`, `lk_y1pt`}
   LET lk_xlabloc = lk_x1pt - 0.02*lk_xrange
   IF ($AX_HORIZ%0|T>1|*>0%) THEN LET lk_xlabloc = ($PPL$XMAX1) - 0.06*LK_XRANGE

   ANNOTATE/XPOS=`lk_xlabloc`/YPOS=`lk_y1pt`/HALIGN=1/VALIGN=0/SIZE=($lk_lsize) "($lk_title)"


ppl window,on
cancel variale lk_*

! test_linekey.jnl
! Examples using the "linekey.jnl" script for legend lines.

cancel mode logo
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2

! Draw an example pair of lines, and show all of the different legend
! locations

plot/i=1:60/thick/sym=20 cos(i/10)
plot/over/nolab/i=1:60/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red sin(i/10)

go linekey.jnl 1 "title one" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black ur .12
go linekey.jnl 2 "title two" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red ur .12

go linekey.jnl 1 "title one" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black ul .14
go linekey.jnl 2 "title two" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red ul .14

go linekey.jnl 1 "title two" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red ll .10
go linekey.jnl 2 "title one" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black ll .10

go linekey.jnl 1 "title two" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red lr .16
go linekey.jnl 2 "title one" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black lr .16

! Now the legends outside the plot box
go linekey.jnl 1 "title one" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black urc .12
go linekey.jnl 2 "title two" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red urc .12

go linekey.jnl 1 "title one" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black ulc .08
go linekey.jnl 2 "title two" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red ulc .08

go linekey.jnl 1 "title one" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black llc .18
go linekey.jnl 2 "title two" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red llc .18

go linekey.jnl 1 "title one" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black lrc .11
go linekey.jnl 2 "title two" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red lrc .11

message now show the example as in test_legend.jnl that used the older legend.jnl script

cancel mode logo

let one=3*x+2
let two=x*x-5
let three=0*x+3

set region /x=-10:10

set viewport ul
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="test plot" one,two,three

go linekey 1 "Variable one" plot/color=black ul
go linekey 2 "Variable two"  plot/color=red ul
go linekey 3 "Variable three" plot/color=green ul

set viewport ur
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="test plot" one,two,three

go linekey 1 "Variable one" plot/color=black ur
go linekey 2 "Variable two"  plot/color=red ur
go linekey 3 "Variable three" plot/color=green ur

set viewport ll
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="test plot" one,two,three

go linekey 1 "Variable one" plot/color=black ll
go linekey 2 "Variable two"  plot/color=red ll
go linekey 3 "Variable three" plot/color=green ll

set viewport lr
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="test plot" one,two,three

go linekey 1 "Variable one" plot/color=black lr
go linekey 2 "Variable two"  plot/color=red lr
go linekey 3 "Variable three" plot/color=green lr

message now draw legends outside the plot boxes.
cancel view

set viewport ul
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="test plot" one,two,three

go linekey 1 "Variable one" plot/color=black ulc
go linekey 2 "Variable two"  plot/color=red ulc
go linekey 3 "Variable three" plot/color=green ulc

set viewport ur
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="test plot" one,two,three

go linekey 1 "Variable one" plot/color=black urc
go linekey 2 "Variable two"  plot/color=red urc
go linekey 3 "Variable three" plot/color=green urc

set viewport ll
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="test plot" one,two,three

go linekey 1 "Variable one" plot/color=black llc
go linekey 2 "Variable two"  plot/color=red llc
go linekey 3 "Variable three" plot/color=green llc

set viewport lr
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="test plot" one,two,three

go linekey 1 "Variable one" plot/color=black lrc
go linekey 2 "Variable two"  plot/color=red lrc
go linekey 3 "Variable three" plot/color=green lrc

! Now tests on time plots
cancel view

use monthly_navy_winds

plot/title=" "/t=1-jan-1982:31-dec-1985/x=180/y=20 uwnd
plot/over/nolab/t=1-jan-1982:31-dec-1985/x=180/y=20/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red vwnd

go linekey.jnl 1 "`uwnd,return=title`" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black ur .12
go linekey.jnl 2 "`vwnd,return=title`" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red ur .12

go linekey.jnl 1 "`uwnd,return=title`" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black ul .14
go linekey.jnl 2 "`vwnd,return=title`" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red ul .14

go linekey.jnl 1 "title two" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red ll .10
go linekey.jnl 2 "title one" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black ll .10

go linekey.jnl 1 "title two" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red lr .16
go linekey.jnl 2 "title one" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black lr .16

! Now the legends outside the plot box
go linekey.jnl 1 "`uwnd,return=title`" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black urc .12
go linekey.jnl 2 "`vwnd,return=title`" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red urc .12

go linekey.jnl 1 "`uwnd,return=title`" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black ulc .08
go linekey.jnl 2 "`vwnd,return=title`" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red ulc .08

go linekey.jnl 1 "`uwnd,return=title`" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black llc .18
go linekey.jnl 2 "`vwnd,return=title`" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red llc .18

go linekey.jnl 1 "`uwnd,return=title`" plot/thick/sym=20/color=black lrc .11
go linekey.jnl 2 "`vwnd,return=title`" plot/thick/size=0.16/line/sym=30/color=red lrc .11

message now show the example as in test_legend.jnl that used the older legend.jnl script

cancel mode logo

set region /x=-10:10

set viewport ul
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="`uwnd,return=title`"/t=1-jan-1982:31-dec-1985/x=120 uwnd[y=-20], uwnd[y=-0], uwnd[y=20]

go linekey 1 "Y=-20" plot/color=black ul
go linekey 2 "Y=0"  plot/color=red ul
go linekey 3 "Y=20" plot/color=green ul

set viewport ur
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="`uwnd,return=title`"/t=1-jan-1982:31-dec-1985/x=120 uwnd[y=-20], uwnd[y=-0], uwnd[y=20]

go linekey 1 "Y=-20" plot/color=black ur
go linekey 2 "Y=0"  plot/color=red ur
go linekey 3 "Y=20" plot/color=green ur

set viewport ll
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="`uwnd,return=title`"/t=1-jan-1982:31-dec-1985/x=120 uwnd[y=-20], uwnd[y=-0], uwnd[y=20]

go linekey 1 "Y=-20" plot/color=black ll
go linekey 2 "Y=0"  plot/color=red ll
go linekey 3 "Y=20" plot/color=green ll

set viewport lr
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="`uwnd,return=title`"/t=1-jan-1982:31-dec-1985/x=120 uwnd[y=-20], uwnd[y=-0], uwnd[y=20]

go linekey 1 "Y=-20" plot/color=black lr
go linekey 2 "Y=0"  plot/color=red lr
go linekey 3 "Y=20" plot/color=green lr

message now draw legends outside the plot boxes.
cancel view

set viewport ul
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="`uwnd,return=title`"/t=1-jan-1982:31-dec-1985/x=120 uwnd[y=-20], uwnd[y=-0], uwnd[y=20]

go linekey 1 "Y=-20" plot/color=black ulc
go linekey 2 "Y=0"  plot/color=red ulc
go linekey 3 "Y=20" plot/color=green ulc

set viewport ur
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="`uwnd,return=title`"/t=1-jan-1982:31-dec-1985/x=120 uwnd[y=-20], uwnd[y=-0], uwnd[y=20]

go linekey 1 "Y=-20" plot/color=black urc
go linekey 2 "Y=0"  plot/color=red urc
go linekey 3 "Y=20" plot/color=green urc

set viewport ll
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="`uwnd,return=title`"/t=1-jan-1982:31-dec-1985/x=120 uwnd[y=-20], uwnd[y=-0], uwnd[y=20]

go linekey 1 "Y=-20" plot/color=black llc
go linekey 2 "Y=0"  plot/color=red llc
go linekey 3 "Y=20" plot/color=green llc

set viewport lr
go margins 1.4  1.4  1.2  1.2
plot/title="`uwnd,return=title`"/t=1-jan-1982:31-dec-1985/x=120 uwnd[y=-20], uwnd[y=-0], uwnd[y=20]

go linekey 1 "Y=-20" plot/color=black lrc
go linekey 2 "Y=0"  plot/color=red lrc
go linekey 3 "Y=20" plot/color=green lrc

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