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[ferret_users] manipulation of netcdf file

Dear Ferreters,

As currently in am working on creating netcdf file that I have received from Matlab processing. I can't upload the file as I am not allowed to do so. But I can show how this Matlab processed netcdf file is arranged.
currently SET data sets:
    1> ./adpc.nc  (default)
 name     title                                         I         J         K         L
 LON      Longitude                                ...       ...       ...       1:4503
 LAT      Latitude                                   ...       ...       ...       1:4503
 DEPTH    Depth                                   ...       ...       1:60      1:4503
 U        Zonal velocity component           ...       ...       1:60      1:4503
 V        Meridional velocity component    ...       ...       1:60      1:4503
list/l=1:10 lon,lat
             DATA SET: ./adpc.nc
             TIME: 16-OCT-2018 06:10 to 16-OCT-2018 07:00
 Column  1: LON is Longitude (degrees_east)
 Column  2: LAT is Latitude (degrees_north)
                                          LON    LAT
16-OCT-2018 06:13:19 /  1:  147.4 -42.99
16-OCT-2018 06:18:18 /  2:  147.4 -43.01
16-OCT-2018 06:23:17 /  3:  147.4 -43.03
16-OCT-2018 06:28:18 /  4:  147.4 -43.04
16-OCT-2018 06:33:19 /  5:  147.4 -43.06
16-OCT-2018 06:38:18 /  6:  147.4 -43.07
16-OCT-2018 06:43:18 /  7:  147.4 -43.09
16-OCT-2018 06:48:18 /  8:  147.4 -43.10
16-OCT-2018 06:53:18 /  9:  147.4 -43.12
16-OCT-2018 06:58:18 / 10:  147.4 -43.13

list/l=1 depth
             VARIABLE : Depth (meter)
             FILENAME : adpc.nc
             SUBSET   : 60 points (Z)
             TIME     : 16-OCT-2018 06:13
 1    /  1:   18.0
 2    /  2:   26.0
 3    /  3:   34.0
 4    /  4:   42.0
 5    /  5:   50.0
 6    /  6:   58.0
 57   / 57:  466.0
 58   / 58:  474.0
 59   / 59:  482.0
 60   / 60:  490.0

list/l=1:10/k=1 u,v
             DATA SET: ./adpc.nc
             TIME: 16-OCT-2018 06:10 to 16-OCT-2018 07:00
             Z: 1
 Column  1: U is Zonal velocity component (meter second-1)
 Column  2: V is Meridional velocity component (meter second-1)
                                            U     V
16-OCT-2018 06:13:19 /  1:    ....    ....
16-OCT-2018 06:18:18 /  2:    ....    ....
16-OCT-2018 06:23:17 /  3:    ....    ....
16-OCT-2018 06:28:18 /  4:    ....    ....
16-OCT-2018 06:33:19 /  5:  0.1239 -0.7289
16-OCT-2018 06:38:18 /  6:  0.1832 -0.4678
16-OCT-2018 06:43:18 /  7:    ....    ....
16-OCT-2018 06:48:18 /  8:    ....    ....
16-OCT-2018 06:53:18 /  9:    ....    ....
16-OCT-2018 06:58:18 / 10: -0.0560 -0.0276

so how to make a proper structured netcdf file from this information ? It will be good example for me to process the data collected during any research voyage.

cheers, saurabh



Saurabh Rathore
Research Scholar (PhD.)
Centre For Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere & Land Science Technology
Indian Institute Of Technology, Kharagpur
contact :- 91- 8345984434

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