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[ferret_users] Re: map projection with dots of significance.

Dear Ferreters,

I figure out most of the issues such as

1) dots on the plot
2) lat lon labels on the plot

the unresolved issues are

1) go multi_view command is not working
2) ppl shakey command is not working

below is the modified script with the generated figure.

go multi_view 3,2,.43,0.070,0.052,.26,.064,0.058,a

use file1.nc                                  !!! file containing the variable !!!!!
use file2.nc                                  !!! file containing the probability !!!!

let ohcg1=ohc_new[d=1]
let sig=pvalue[d=2]

let p=t[gt=ohcg1]
let q=ohcg1

go regresst

let nx = `pvalue,return=isize`
let ny = `pvalue,return=jsize`
let lon = x[gx=trend,i=1:`nx`:5] + 0*y[gy=trend,j=1:`ny`:5]
let lat = 0*x[gx=trend,i=1:`nx`:5] + y[gy=trend,j=1:`ny`:5]

let p95 = if pvalue[i=1:`nx`:5,j=1:`ny`:5] gt .95 then 1 else 0

LET xmin = 20
LET xmax = 380
LET ymin = -63
LET ymax = 63
LET xdel = 30
LET ydel = `126/6`
LET mid_lon = `xmin+(xmax-xmin)/2`
LET mid_lat = `ymin+(ymax-ymin)/2`

set mem/size=3000

SET REGION/X=19.5:380.5/Y=-63:63
set viewport a32
GO mp_mcbryde_fpp
SET GRID slope; GO mp_aspect
fill/NOLAB/NOAX/lev=(-inf)(-20,20,4)(inf)/pal=blue_orange slope*12, x_page, y_page
GO mp_graticule  `xmin` `xmax` `xdel` `ymin` `ymax` `ydel` 1 0   !20 380 30 -63 63 `126/6` 1 0
GO mp_fland 120 gray overlay detailed 
GO mp_land thick
GO mp_grid p95
plot/vs/OVER/sym=21/size=0.04/nolab/nokey mp_mask*x_page*p95, mp_mask*y_page*p95

go mp_label -8 -70 0 0 .11 "@cr 20E"
go mp_label 25 -70 0 0 .11 "@cr 50E"
go mp_label 55 -70 0 0 .11 "@cr 80E"
go mp_label 90 -70 0 0 .11 "@cr 110E"
go mp_label 125 -70 0 0 .11 "@cr 140E"
go mp_label 160 -70 0 0 .11 "@cr 170E"
go mp_label 195 -70 0 0 .11 "@cr 160W"
go mp_label 230 -70 0 0 .11 "@cr 130W"
go mp_label 265 -70 0 0 .11 "@cr 100W"
go mp_label 300 -70 0 0 .11 "@cr 70W"
go mp_label 335 -70 0 0 .11 "@cr 40W"
go mp_label 365 -70 0 0 .11 "@cr 10W"
go mp_label 400 -70 0 0 .11 "@cr 20E"

go mp_label -20 -65 0 0 .11 "@cr 63S"
go mp_label -2 -44 0 0 .11 "@cr 42S"
go mp_label 4 -22 0 0 .11 "@cr 21S"
go mp_label 9 0 0 0 .11 "@cr 0"
go mp_label 6.5 22 0 0 .11 "@cr 21N"
go mp_label 2 44 0 0 .11 "@cr 42N"
go mp_label -4 63 0 0 .11 "@cr 63N"

Now my main concern is to get the 6 plots in 3*2 format with the common horizontal shade key.
regards, saurabh

On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 7:26 AM, saurabh rathore <rohitsrb2020@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Ferreters,

I am using the attached script but facing several issues

1) viewport command is not working
2) ppl shakey command is not working
3) how to put latitude and longitudes on the map
4) I want to put dots over the significant locations but it is showing error as **ERROR: dimensions improperly specified: unequal line lengths:
          First _expression_ has 1260 points.
          _expression_ 4 has 21 points:
          "plot/vs/OVER/sym=21/size=0.02 p95*mp_mask, p95*mp_mask, x_page, y_page"

go multi_view 3,2,.43,0.070,0.052,.26,.064,0.058,a

use file1.nc                                  !!! file containing the variable !!!!!
use file2.nc                                  !!! file containing the probability !!!!

let ohcg1=ohc_new[d=1]
let sig=pvalue[d=2]

let p=t[gt=ohcg1]
let q=ohcg1

go regresst

let nx = `pvalue,return=isize`
let ny = `pvalue,return=jsize`
let lon = x[gx=trend,i=1:`nx`:6] + 0*y[gy=trend,j=1:`ny`:6]
let lat = 0*x[gx=trend,i=1:`nx`:6] + y[gy=trend,j=1:`ny`:6]

let p95 = if pvalue[i=1:`nx`:6,j=1:`ny`:6] gt .95 then 1 else 0

set mem/size=3000

set viewport a11
SET REGION/X=19.5:380.5/Y=-63:63
GO mp_mcbryde_fpp
SET GRID slope; GO mp_aspect
fill/NOLAB/NOAX/NOKEY/lev=(-inf)(-20,20,4)(inf)/pal=blue_orange slope*12, x_page, y_page
ppl shakey 1, 0, 0.14, , 6, 6, -2.8, 3.8, .29, .50
GO mp_graticule 20 380 30 -63 63 `126/6` 1
GO mp_fland 120 gray overlay detailed 
GO mp_land thick
GO mp_grid p95
plot/vs/OVER/sym=21/size=0.02 p95*mp_mask, p95*mp_mask, x_page, y_page

​Thanks in advance ​for valuable suggestions.

​regards, saurabh​



Saurabh Rathore
Research Scholar (PhD.)
Centre For Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere & Land Science Technology
Indian Institute Of Technology, Kharagpur
contact :- 91- 8345984434



Saurabh Rathore
Research Scholar (PhD.)
Centre For Oceans, Rivers, Atmosphere & Land Science Technology
Indian Institute Of Technology, Kharagpur
contact :- 91- 8345984434

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