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Re: [ferret_users] ASCII DATA TO NETCDF


Your file has non-numeric fields, with each record starting with "I / *:", and with some fields containing  "..."

The command "COLUMNS", which is an alias for SET DATA/format=delimited,  allows you to read more than 20 variables from an ascii file.  It also allows for reading text and date/time variables as well as numeric ones.   The command can automatically analyze the types of the different fields.  So,

yes? columns/delimiter=" " 09_iPrf111.txt
yes? show data
     currently SET data sets:
    1> ./09_iPrf111.txt  (default)
 name     title                             I         J         K         L
 V1       V1                               1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V2       V2                               1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V3       V3                               1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V4       V4                               1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V5       V5                               1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V6       V6                               1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V7       V7                               1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V8       V8                               1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V9       V9                               1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V10      V10                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V11      V11                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V12      V12                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V13      V13                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V14      V14                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V15      V15                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V16      V16                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V17      V17                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V18      V18                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V19      V19                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V20      V20                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V21      V21                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V22      V22                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V23      V23                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V24      V24                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V25      V25                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V26      V26                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...
 V27      V27                              1:8818    ...       ...       ...

yes? list/i=1:10 v1,v2,v3,v4,v5
             DATA SET: ./09_iPrf111.txt
             X: 0.5 to 10.5
 Column  1: V1
 Column  2: V2
 Column  3: V3
 Column  4: V4
 Column  5: V5
           V1   V2  V3     V4      V5
1    /  1: "I" "/" "*:"  116890.  21.14
2    /  2: "I" "/" "*:"  116891. -28.35
3    /  3: "I" "/" "*:"  116892. -19.15
4    /  4: "I" "/" "*:"  116893. -25.67
5    /  5: "I" "/" "*:"  116894. -23.39
6    /  6: "I" "/" "*:"  116895.   0.07
7    /  7: "I" "/" "*:"  116896.  28.81

So your data is in the variables v4,v5,...

Because missing-data in your file being shown as "...", those variables will be detected as text type variables.  I would suggest that you use an editor to change "..." to some value that won't be in the data, for instance -1.e34, or -99999. (These are the things that NetCDF does for us automatically that need to be handled specifically for ASCII data.) Then in your Ferret script you would use commands like this to handle the missing data

yes? set variable/bad=-99999 v4
yes? set variable/bad=-99999 v5

and so forth.  SET VARIABLE can also be used to give the variables units, names, and titles. 

On 7/24/2017 1:55 AM, Gopal Mondal wrote:
Hi  ferreeters, hi develo,pers
                                      I can't list the variables from the attached file, In this file variable are inserted in collumn, 24 variables are there. Finally I want te mke it a netcdf file with starting date 01-01-2007. I want to list one by one collumn, In ferret I tried with the following comands
Please help me
list v1
 **TMAP ERR: Success
             Last or next-to-last record read:
I / *:     116890.  21.14 -141.1  0.04169  12.00  8.000  82558.  237.7  60.40  1
             Data set: ./09_iPrf111.txt
             Data file: ./09_iPrf111.txt
           *** NOTE: ASCII file reading: Insufficient memory reading variable   21
yes? list v1
 **TMAP ERR: Success
             during SKIP reads
             Data set: ./09_iPrf111.txt
             Data file: ./09_iPrf111.txt
           *** NOTE: ASCII file reading: Insufficient memory reading variable   21
yes? file/var=v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6,v7,v8,v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,v17,v18,v19 09_iPrf111.txt
yes? list v1
 **TMAP ERR: Success
             Last or next-to-last record read:
I / *:     116890.  21.14 -141.1  0.04169  12.00  8.000  82558.  237.7  60.40  1
             Data set: ./09_iPrf111.txt
             Data file: ./09_iPrf111.txt
           *** NOTE: ASCII file reading: Insufficient memory reading variable   20

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