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Re: [ferret_users] sp ps2pdf ($ofname).pdf


If you start Ferret with

   > ferret -gif

then you can't write a metafile.  The -gif mode writes all of the graphics output directly to a gif file.  The correct way to start Ferret for running without a terminal window, and create postscript files would be

   > ferret -batch

In fact you can directly write a postscript file, with no need for a metafile, by naming the file on startup.  See the documentation here:


Finally , the best figures are drawn by PyFerret. Please consider installing PyFerret if possible.


On 6/6/2017 8:38 PM, Gopal Mondal wrote:
hey all ferreter
                   I am getting problem in ferret in two way:
1. fill or shade figure is not coming, only line plot is coming. that is why in gif mode fill or shade figure are to save by frame command.
2. In olrgraphline.jnl file 1st two line and last 3 line when used following error is showing. otherwise frame command are to use to save the figure. please help
 due to problem 1 I can not see the figure moderation after using and command. please help.... I have attached the .jnl file and error is in bellow:
go olrgraphline.jnl
define symbol ofname=olraila
set mode metafile:($ofname).ps
 !-> set mode metafile:olraila.ps
           *** NOTE: in GIF mode: ignoring SET MODE METAFILE
go multi_view 3, 2, 0.25, 0.2, 0.04, 0.20, 0.15, 0.045, v
use olr.day.mean.nc
           *** NOTE: Axis coordinates are decreasing-ordered. Reversing ordering for axis lat
set view v11 ; ppl axlabp 0,-1 ;ppl axlsze,0.12,0.12
plot/nolab/nokey/x=88.23/y=22.8/t=1-jan-2008:31-dec-2008 olr
ppl ylab OLR(W/m^2)
ppl plot
set view v12 ; ppl axlabp 0, 0 ;ppl axlsze,0.12,0.12
plot/nolab/nokey/x=88.23/y=22.8/t=1-jan-2009:31-dec-2009 olr
set view v21  ; ppl axlabp 0, -1 ;ppl axlsze,0.12,0.12
plot/nolab/nokey/x=88.23/y=22.8/t=1-jan-2010:31-dec-2010 olr
ppl ylab OLR(W/m^2)
ppl plot
set view v22 ; ppl axlabp 0, 0; ppl axlsze,0.12,0.12
plot/nolab/nokey/x=88.23/y=22.8/t=1-jan-2011:31-dec-2011 olr
set view v31 ; ppl axlabp -1, -1; ppl axlsze,0.12,0.12
plot/nolab/nokey/x=88.23/y=22.8/t=1-jan-2012:31-dec-2012 olr
ppl ylab OLR(W/m^2)
ppl plot
set view v32  ; ppl axlabp -1, 0 ;ppl axlsze,0.12,0.12
plot/nolab/nokey/x=88.23/y=22.8/t=1-jan-2013:31-dec-2013 olr
cancle mode metafile
sp ps2pdf ($ofname).pdf
 !-> sp ps2pdf olraila.pdf
Error: /undefinedfilename in (olraila.pdf)
Operand stack:

Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1198/1684(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:78/200(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
Last OS error: No such file or directory
GPL Ghostscript 9.18: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
sp rm -f ($ofname).ps
 !-> sp rm -f olraila.ps

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