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Re: [ferret_users] Thick 0 deg. longitude

Hi Robert,

You're drawing that with a contour command. By default Ferret draws a zero contour with a thick line, positive values with a thin solid line and negative ones with a dashed line. That is intended for plots like this:

yes? use etopo60
yes? contour/lev=(-5000,5000,500)/x=-120:-30/y=0:50 rose

You can customize the way the lines are drawn using detailed settings on the /LEVELS qualifier.  For my plot, to draw the zero line using the regular thin line, it would be,

yes? contour/lev=(-5000,5000,500)LINE(0)/x=-120:-30/y=0:50 rose


On 5/16/2017 2:18 PM, Osinski, Robert FORNATL, PL wrote:
Dear ferreters,
whenever I create a figure and draw a longitude of 0 degree with contour command it is a thick ( thicker than other lines) line. Do you have any idea what is the reason and how to get the same line thickness for all longitudes? Please find attached example of netCDF file and figure showing problematic 0 deg. longitude,
thank you in advance,
Robert Osinski

Attachment: map.png
Description: PNG image

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