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Re: [ferret_users] saving variable value along with its lat lon and time info.

Is there a way to not include the novalue/missing data from the data file? 
I saw that using sed could remove the rows were the variable value was "...." in the .dat file; however, this method still requires saving all the missing value entries first, then uses sed to remove said rows.  My dataset is huge, so limiting the output in ferret before saving would be ideal.

Thanks again,


On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 12:50 PM, Paul Goddard <pgoddard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Great, thank you Akshay!


On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 12:16 PM, Akshay Hegde <akshay.k.hegde@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Here is example using coads_climatology

akshay@db-3325:~$ ferret
     FERRET v6.96 
     Linux 2.6.18-406.el5 64-bit - 12/02/15
     21-Mar-17 00:30    

yes? use coads_climatology
yes? sh d
     currently SET data sets:
    1> /usr/local/ferret/fer_dsets/data/coads_climatology.cdf  (default)
 name     title                             I         J         K         L         M         N
 SST      SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE          1:180     1:90      ...       1:12      ...       ...
 AIRT     AIR TEMPERATURE                  1:180     1:90      ...       1:12      ...       ...
 SPEH     SPECIFIC HUMIDITY                1:180     1:90      ...       1:12      ...       ...
 WSPD     WIND SPEED                       1:180     1:90      ...       1:12      ...       ...
 UWND     ZONAL WIND                       1:180     1:90      ...       1:12      ...       ...
 VWND     MERIDIONAL WIND                  1:180     1:90      ...       1:12      ...       ...
 SLP      SEA LEVEL PRESSURE               1:180     1:90      ...       1:12      ...       ...
yes?  list/clobber/file="test.dat"/nohead/norowlab x[g=sst],y[g=sst],TAX_DATESTRING(t[g=sst],sst,""),sst,airt,speh
 LISTing to file test.dat
yes? spawn sed -i '/^ ----/d' test.dat

Now see the content of test.dat

Akshay Hegde,
Data and Information,

On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 11:29 PM, Paul Goddard <pgoddard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello all,

I have a netcdf file with coastal ssh values along the global coastlines and missing value/ no value at all other grid points.

I would like to extract the ssh values to a data file for use in a statistics software.

My question is whether I can create a data file where each entry (row) lists the ssh value, lon, lat, and time (in 4 separate columns). 

Furthermore, my data is over 7300 days (L axis); so I assume I will need to set up a repeat loop for this axis.

Any ideas of a good method to retrieve this data?

Thank you for your time,


On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 11:29 PM, Paul Goddard <pgoddard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hello all,

I have a netcdf file with coastal ssh values along the global coastlines and missing value/ no value at all other grid points.

I would like to extract the ssh values to a data file for use in a statistics software.

My question is whether I can create a data file where each entry (row) lists the ssh value, lon, lat, and time (in 4 separate columns). 

Furthermore, my data is over 7300 days (L axis); so I assume I will need to set up a repeat loop for this axis.

Any ideas of a good method to retrieve this data?

Thank you for your time,


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