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Re: [ferret_users] Collumn Jumping

The file data.dat,

1000    30.4    62      22.2
925     24.4    76      19.8
850     20.7    74      15.9
700     11.9    56      3.3
500     -4.8    67      -9.9
400     -14.9   18      -32.2
300     -29.9
250     -39.9
200     -52.6
150     -67.2
100     -81.9
70      -79.6
50      -71.5
30      -58.9

has missing values in the last two columns, which is not being read in as intended by the FILE command.  ASCII files are expected to have all of the locations filled with values so that missing data is indicated by a flag, such as 99999. Then we would tell Ferret that this value is the bad-value, with "SET VAR/BAD=99999 RH".

You can read in the data in its current form using the FILE/FORMAT=DELIMITED command, which is intended to read spreadsheet-style data.

yes? file/form=delimited/var="Pressure,Temp,RH,Dew_Point" data.dat
 list Pressure,Temp,RH,Dew_Point
             DATA SET: ./data.dat
             X: 0.5 to 15.5
 Column  1: PRESSURE
 Column  2: TEMP
 Column  3: RH
 Column  4: DEW_POINT
1    /  1:   1000.  30.40  62.00   22.20
2    /  2:    925.  24.40  76.00   19.80
3    /  3:    850.  20.70  74.00   15.90
4    /  4:    700.  11.90  56.00    3.30
5    /  5:    500.  -4.80  67.00   -9.90
6    /  6:    400. -14.90  18.00  -32.20
7    /  7:    300. -29.90   ....    ....
8    /  8:    250. -39.90   ....    ....
9    /  9:    200. -52.60   ....    ....
10   / 10:    150. -67.20   ....    ....
11   / 11:    100. -81.90   ....    ....
12   / 12:     70. -79.60   ....    ....
13   / 13:     50. -71.50   ....    ....
14   / 14:     30. -58.90   ....    ....
15   / 15:    ....   ....   ....    ....

On 5/25/2016 10:03 AM, 'Dr Kamoru Abiodun Lawal' via _OAR PMEL Ferret Users wrote:
Dear Ferret Users,

I used the below script to plot the data attached (data.dat)

file/var="Pressure,Temp,RH,Dew_Point" data.dat
plot/vs/vlimit=1000:0/hlimit=-100:100:20/line=1/nolabel Temp , Pressure
plot/vs/vlimit=1000:0/hlimit=-100:100:20/line=14/over/nolabel Dew_Point , Pressure
plot/vs/vlimit=1000:0/hlimit=-100:100:20/line=4/over/nolabel RH , Pressure
label/over -140,0,1, 90,0.18 @ASPressure (hPa)

The problem I have is that ferret refuse to terminate the plotting of RH and Dew_Point by substituting Pressure and Temp for them after they terminate at certain level.

I urge anybody with solutions to help. Thank you.
Kamoru Abiodun LAWAL, PhD
Weather and Climate Research Center,
Nigerian Meteorological Agency,
Bill Clinton Drive, Abuja Airport,
Abuja, Nigeria.

.........there's no wrong time for doing the right things..........
Climate System Analysis Group,
Department of Environmental and Geographical Science,
University of Cape Town, Private Mail Bag X3,
Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7701, South Africa.

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