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[ferret_users] double quote in label?

Ferret users,

I wonder how to print a double quote by the LABEL command.

I thought I found the answer in the mailing archive,
but the solution (repeating the double quote) doesn't work.

  yes? fill/x=0:10/y=0:10 x+y
  yes? label/user 5,5,0,0,0.75,@DRdouble""quote

This prints two double quotes.

  yes? label/user 5,5,0,0,0.75,@DRdouble"quote

This is an error ("unpaired quotation marks").

  yes? label/user 5,5,0,0,0.75,@DRdouble\"quote

This is close, but there is a space between
the word "double" and the quotation mark.

Another potentially related issue is that it
seems impossible to define and use a string variable
containing a double quote.

yes? let str = "doublequote"
yes? say `str`
  [ . . . works . . . ]
yes? let str = "double""quote"
 **ERROR: command syntax: "double""quote"
          "double" before "quote" is illegal
yes? let str = "double\"quote"
 **ERROR: command syntax: "double\"quote"
          unclosed quotation, parenthesis, or bracket
yes? let str = double""quote 
 **ERROR: command syntax: double""quote
          double before "" is illegal
yes? let str = 'double""quote'
yes? say `str`
 **ERROR: variable unknown or not in data set: 'double""quote'
yes? let str = double"quote
 **ERROR: command syntax: unpaired quotation marks, grave accent or brackets
yes? let str = double\"quote
 **ERROR: command syntax: unpaired quotations, parens, or brackets
          str = double\"quote

As a workaround, I currently use two single quotes '''' .
(Is that equivalent to a double quote?)


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