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Re: [ferret_users] How can I produce data points of a time series parallel to the major ticks

When you do

   let jan_var=var[l=1:240:12]  

you are defining a new time axis, on the fly.  This means that you can regrid to that axis.  To see the august data at the same time location as the January data, use the @ASN regridding transformation.

   plot jan_var
   plot/over/line=8 aug_var[gt=jan_var@asn]

The @ASN regrids by simply putting the first point of the variable aug_var at the first time location of the new time axis.


On 8/22/2013 10:01 AM, Hussen Seid wrote:
Dear ferret users,

My question is quite basic. I'm producing area average time series of a monthly data, but there is a shit in a time axis in the plot of each month. My question is how can I produce data points of a time series parallel to the major ticks.

 Here is the example:
 Use monthly_data.nc ! 20 yrs of monthly data
 let jan_var=var[l=1:240:12]   !select jan
 let aug_var=var[l=8:240:12]   !select Aug

 plot jan_var 
 plot/over/line=8 aug_var

For January, the time series starts at beginning of the of the year (on major ticks), but for August it starts in the middle.

What I need is: to plot the data points parallel to the tick (for all months), and also to put the years in the time axis of the plot parallel with the ticks of the time axis (not between the ticks).

Hussen Seid Endris
Climate System Analysis Group
Department of Environmental and Geographical Science
University of Cape Town
Private Bag Rondebosch, 7701
Tel:(+27) (0)74 222 4357

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