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[ferret_users] shading wind magnitudes

Dear ferret users,

I have calculated/plotted the uv anomaly for pre-monsson (MAM) season from the following script. In the attached plot can any one let me know how to shade (not colour vectors) the magnitude of the uv winds in the plots.

use UV_MAM2001-2005.nc"

let u1=u[d=1,k=2,x=65:95,y=0:40,l=1:92@ave]
let v1=v[d=1,k=2,x=65:95,y=0:40,l=1:92@ave]

let uwnd=u[d=1,k=2,x=65:95,y=0:40,l=1:460@ave]
let vwnd=v[d=1,x=65:95,y=0:40,l=1:460@ave]

let anom_u=u1-uwnd
let anom_v=v1-vwnd

vec anom_u,anom_v  !!! To plot anomaly

With Best Wishes,
Nitin Patil

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