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[ferret_users] Color_vector.jnl

Hi Jaison and ferreters

I've been using the script color_vector.jnl which I found in /usr/local/ferret/contrib

! Written By : Jaison Kurian (jaison@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, jaison@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
! Written On : Jan/04/2008 (based on a draft completed on May/28/2007)

to get a better view of the Walker Circulation. The first problem I encountered was that the script wasn't using my vec_yskip. I suspect this is because my y-axis is height in this case. I copied the original color_vector.jnl script to my run directory (called color_vector_z.jnl) and manually changed yskip=1 to yskip=2 which has worked out perfectly.

I'm not nearly a proficient enough programmer to fully understand the script but I was wondering if I could add the /flow option to the script somewhere? I included /flow in the vec_cmd definition but it didn't change the output. I find the flow line winds very useful except that I can't always see what the strength of the winds are. This colour coded vector script would be wonderful if I could apply it to the flowline option.

I'd really appreciate any help on this, even if it's just to tell me that I can't apply flow to this vector script. Many thanks!


I'm using model output and this is the plot script I'm using:

   let uu = u[d=17,y=-5,l=1:3@ave]*2
   let vv = omega[d=17,y=-5,l=1:3@ave]*-600
   set reg/x=-180:180

   define symbol vec_cmd      = vector/nolab/vlimits=26:1/flow
   define symbol vec_u        = uu                ! u var name, no [],(),*,/,+,-, ^ stuff
   define symbol vec_v        = vv                ! v var name, no [],(),*,/,+,-, ^ stuff
   define symbol vec_len      = 50               ! value for /LENGTH qualifier
   define symbol vec_xskip    = 15              ! value for /XSKIP qualifier
   define symbol vec_yskip    = 4                ! value for /YSKIP qualifier
   define symbol vec_arrowkey = NO           ! YES or NO, for scale/key vector
   define symbol vec_veckey   = 325,78,,(f4.1, " m/s")! arguments to "PPL VECKEY" command
   define symbol vec_lo       = 0                   ! low   value for color levels
   define symbol vec_hi       = 60                  ! high  value for color levels
   define symbol vec_delta    = 2                  ! delta value for color levels
   define symbol vec_pal      = rainbow          ! palette file name
   define symbol vec_colorkey = YES           ! YES or NO, for color bar/key
   define symbol vec_shakey   = 1,1,0.12,2   ! arguments to "PPL SHAKEY" command
   define symbol vec_otherppl = none      !other ppl commands (should start with "ppl"),
                                                            !   for example
                                                            !   ppl xfor (f5.1, ''lonE'')

   go color_vector_z

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