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[ferret_users] Customised SHAKEY

Dear Ferret Users,

In an attempt to customise my key, I used the below code ---

shade/nolabel/nokey/x=0:60/y=-50:1/level=(0,1.5,.15)/PAL=blue_darkorange SpringStd[x=@sbx:3,y=@sbx:3]; go land 7 "" 7
ppl shakey 1,0,0.8,3,3,5,2,4,2,4
ppl shade

but it refused to work.

I tried other tricks like  -- ppl shakey/nouser 2, `($ppl$ylen)+0.2`

still no success.

Can someone help with another trick?
Kamoru Abiodun LAWAL
Climate System Analysis Group,
Department of Environmental and Geographical Science,
University of Cape Town, Private Mail Bag X3,
Rondebosch, Cape Town, 7701, South Africa.
.......there's no wrong time for doing the right things..........

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