Hi, Have a look at the section "append, slab to NetCDF, example" in the Ferret Users Guide index, http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/Ferret/documentation/users-guide/converting-to-netcdf/SIMPLE-CONVERSIONS-USING-FERRET#_VPINDEXENTRY_1071 That example shows opening a set of ascii files and appending the data from each one to a file. Your case is using netCDF files as the input. Say for example that file001.nc has K=1, file002.nc has K=2, etc, and that the depth or altitude values are increasing with each K, say for instance, Z=0, 1, 2, 3, ..., 99. You'll define the final z axis with all depths, and regrid the incoming data to that big axis. This will put the data from each file onto the correct level of the output axis. Use regridding to put the variable from the first file onto the first level of this axis and then write it to the output file. On this first write, tellFerret the length of the entire axis, and that you're writing just the k=1 level. Then do the same with the other files, appending in the K direction. As long as the data in all the files have the same grid in XYT, you don't need to do anything to preserve those other dimensions. The details of defining the output axis, regridding to the output axis, and naming the files will depend on your data, but here is the general sequence of commands: ! Define the output axis. -Ansley On 6/14/2013 7:03 AM, Akshay Hegde