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[ferret_users] Problem in creating time axis using days1900

Dear Ferret users,

I am trying to convert abstract data (which is in x axis) in time axis using days1900 using ferret v6.303 (AIX version)

I have got 31185 steps. I have gone through the FAQ and adopted the following procedure

LET day_frac = (hour + minute/60 ) / 24
LET tstep = DAYS1900(year,month,day) + day_frac

DEFINE axis/T/T0=1-jan-1900/UNIT=days ttaxis=tstep[L=1:31185]

LET dummy=t[GT=ttaxis]
LET p = RESHAPE(p1,dummy)

However it is giving following error

**ERROR: variable unknown or not in data set: MINUTE
**ERROR: unknown defining grid: GT=TTAXIS

I tried to do it in several ways but the error remains the same.

Hope to get help from users who have solve this type of issue earlier.

Thanking you in advance.

Samir Pokhrel
Climate and Global Modelling Division
Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorologyv6.303
NCL Post, Pashan

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