Hi Don, Have you read the documentation? What I do is bookmark the Users Guide Index in my browser, http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/Ferret/documentation/users-guide/index-1/index/ and then either browse through it or use the browser search function to look for things (in this instance, look for SCAT2GRID). You want documentation for scat2gridgauss_xy, and you might also want to read about scat2gridlaplace_xy which uses different methods to interpolate the data to a grid. Under the documentation for scat2gridgauss_xy, read down below the examples for a discussion of the radius and cutoff parameters. The other thing to think about is the coarseness of the output grid that you define. This will depend on your particular dataset; how much data you have and how it is distributed. Here in the Ferret list we like to respond to questions first by pointing people to the resources such as documentation, FAQ's, scripts that come with Ferret; and then as you start trying the ideas, you are always welcome to ask more questions. -Ansley On 6/2/2013 10:19 AM, Don DNA wrote: