Hello, Going back to this email of a couple of weeks back. The original question is about appending to a file in the T direction. The script looks correct, however the data in each input file must be put onto a time axis with the variables from file 1 at timestep 1, the data in file 2 at timestep 2, etc. In Ferret we call this adding a "timestamp". http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/Ferret/documentation/users-guide/commands-reference/SAVE#timestamp You've defined a time axis; what is needed is def axis/t0=15-May-2009/t=1:23:1/unit=hours taxThen inside the REPEAT, we add this time variable to the variables, and then write out the particular time step we want. let lat1_value=..botlat;\ For the other question about IF statements inside a repeat loop, when the contents of a REPEAT are long or complex, often the best solution is to write a second script which is called in the loop repeat/range=($start):($end)/name=yy (define symbol yval = `yy`; go add_data.jnl) and then the script contains all the commands, but with the symbol ($yval) representing the particular value in question. -Ansley On 5/17/2013 6:33 AM, Akshay Hegde