Hi All,
I have a metlab-written nc file. The nc files created with the method I use works with former ferret version v5.x. But now I have problem with v6.84 on Linux. The dimension axis of some variables are not right. Pls check the attached file.
With ncdump, it reads:
z = 10 ;
time = 22 ;
double tti(time, z) ;
double pti(time, z) ;
But in ferret:
TTI 1:22 ... 1:10 ... ... ...
PTI 1:22 ... 1:10 ... ... ...
When I try to use these variables:
yes? plot/k=1 tti
**netCDF error
NetCDF: Start+count exceeds dimension bound (OPeNDAP/netCDF Error code -57)
Data set: ./
svdpactp.ncPls help resolve this issue.