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[ferret_users] compute temperature bellow mld

Dear all,
I am trying to calculate temperature at 5m bellow mixed layer.
The away I have tried as

use mld.cdf
repeat/range=1:494/name=nl (;\
let mldn=mld[L=`nl`]+5;\
if `nl eq 1` then ;\
list/file=tem_5_lmd.nc/format=cdf/clob/Z=`mldn`/l=`nl`/llimits=1:494 temp ;\
else ;\
list/file=tem_5_lmd.nc/format=cdf/ap/Z=`mldn`/l=`nl` temp ;\
endif ;\

then error is coming after 6th time step as

 !-> DEFINE VARIABLE mldn=mld[L=6]+5
 !-> if 0 then
 !-> list/file=tem_5_lmd.nc/format=cdf/ap/Z=16.11672/l=6 temp
 LISTing to file tem_5_lmd.nc
!-> REPEAT: NL:7
 !-> DEFINE VARIABLE mldn=mld[L=7]+5
 !-> if 0 then
 !-> list/file=tem_5_lmd.nc/format=cdf/ap/Z=17.8263/l=7 temp
 LISTing to file tem_5_lmd.nc
 **TMAP ERR: Requested data range is outside of data set limits
             Expected: TEMP[K=           4 :           4 ] Found: TEMP[K=           3 :           3 ]
list/file=tem_5_lmd.nc/format=cdf/ap/Z=17.8263/l=7 temp
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted

Thanks in advance


Surja Kanta Mishra
Junior Research Fellow (CSIR-NET, Funded by UGC)
School of Oceanographic Studies
Jadavpur University
Kolkata - 700032

Contacts: +91 9681091928
Alternate E-mail: sur_km@xxxxxxxxxxx 

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