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Re: [ferret_users] Palette Ideas?

Hi everyone

thank you for the valuable information on how to create the customized color bars. After successfully creating the color bars I was interested in, I wanted to share that with others in case they might save some of you some work in the future.

The ferret color palettes for the aforementioned color scales are:

0 100.0 100.0 100.0
5 100.0 88.6 96.0
10 94.1 78.4 100.0
15 72.5 68.6 100.0
20 100.0 84.3 13.7
25 100.0 78.4 13.7
30 100.0 76.0 12.1
35 100.0 71.7 10.9
40 100.0 67.0 10.9
45 100.0 62.7 8.6
50 100.0 58.0 8.6
55 100.0 53.7 8.2
60 100.0 49.0 6.6
65 100.0 44.7 6.2
70 100.0 38.8 4.7
75 100.0 34.5 3.5
80 100.0 29.8 2.3
85 100.0 23.9 2.3
90 100.0 19.2 2.7
95 100.0 14.5 2.3
100 100.0 0 0

0 0.0 0.0 0.0
5 20.8 0.0 20.8
10 32.2 0.0 40.4
15 32.9 0.0 59.2
20 25.9 0.0 80.4
25 8.6 0.0 99.6
30 0.8 14.5 99.6
35 0.0 39.2 99.2
40 0.0 59.2 100.0
45 0.0 83.9 100.0
50 94.1 100.0 0.0
55 100.0 93.3 0.0
60 100.0 83.1 0.0
65 100.0 74.5 0.0
70 100.0 62.7 0.0
75 100.0 51.0 0.0
80 100.0 39.2 0.0
85 100.0 29.4 0.0
90 100.0 19.6 0.0
95 100.0 7.8 0.0
100 100.0 0.0 0.0

And lastly (and trickiest!):

0 100.0 100.0 100.0
25 78.4 100.0 19.6
50 98.8 66.7 3.9
75 94.1 0.0 0.0
100 58.8 0.0 0.0

note: This must be used as a horizontal color scale. The way to do this is, based on the Ferret documentation:

shade/set/palette=coral_baa/levels=(0,5,1)/title="" crw_baa
ppl shakey 1,0,1,1,,,1.8,8,0.3,0.6,0
ppl shade
label/nou 0.7,-1.03,-1,0,0.15 "No Stress   Watch    Warning    Alert 1    Alert 2"

I hope it's helpful!

On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 2:55 PM, Ryo Furue <furue@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Luke and others,

> customizing palettes etc.  Luke, I encourage you to give it a try,
> it's a lot of fun.  The script
> yes? go try_palette  palette_name
> is an easy way to test palettes when you're making one.

If you want to replicate an existing palette, you will want
to know the RGB values of the colors. For such a purpose,
there are tools to indicate RGB values of the colors on
your computer screen.  For example, the Linux application
called "gpick" shows RGB (or CMYK if you like) values of
the pixel under the mouse cursor.  There seem to be
a lot of similar little applications ("color picker" is
a general name for such a tool).  Or you can use GIMP
or the like although it's overkill.


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