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In ferret repeat command how I can use more than 100 data file at a time.
I wrote a .jnl file,that is given bellow:
def symb start=1
def symb end=219
def axis/t0=15-May-2009/t=1:219:1/unit=hours tax
repeat/range=($start):($end)/name=yy (;\
use test140.`yy`.nc;\
let glat=if geo_lat[x=340] lt 0 then 0 else geo_lat[x=340];\
let glon=if geo_lon[x=340] lt 0 then 0 else geo_lon[x=340];\
let ed_140=if elec_dens[x=180:700] lt 0 then 0 else elec_dens[x=180:700];\
let edmax = ed_140[x=@max]+0*t[gt=tax];\
if `yy eq 1` then ;\
list/file=ed140_ma16.dat/clob/l=`yy`/head/llimits=1:219 glat,glon,edmax;\
else ;\
list/app/file=ed140_ma16.dat/head/l=`yy` glat,glon,edmax;\
endif ;\

the result is as follows. Even taking 100 data file named test140.101 to test140.200,it is not running.

!-> REPEAT: YY:100
 !-> SET DAT/FORM=CDF test140.100.nc
 !-> if 0 then
 !-> list/app/file=ed140_ma16.dat/head/l=100 glat,glon,edmax
 LISTing to file ed140_ma16.dat
!-> REPEAT: YY:101
 !-> SET DAT/FORM=CDF test140.101.nc
 **TMAP ERR: limit on number of data sets has been reached
             MAX=         100
SET DAT/FORM=CDF test140.101.nc
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted

*** next when taking 100 data file named test140.1.nc to test140.100.nc we run the following .jnl file:
def symb start=1
def symb end=100
def axis/t0=15-May-2009/t=1:100:1/unit=hours tax
repeat/range=($start):($end)/name=yy (;\
use test140.`yy`.nc;\
let glat=if geo_lat[x=340] lt 0 then 0 else geo_lat[x=340];\
let glon=if geo_lon[x=340] lt 0 then 0 else geo_lon[x=340];\
let ed_140=if elec_dens[x=180:700] lt 0 then 0 else elec_dens[x=180:700];\
let edmax = ed_140[x=@max]+0*t[gt=tax];\
if `yy eq 1` then ;\
list/file=ed140_ma16.nc/format=cdf/clob/l=`yy`/llimits=1:100 glat,glon,edmax;\
else ;\
list/app/file=ed140_ma16.nc/format=cdf/l=`yy` glat,glon,edmax;\
endif ;\

the output is as follows:
!-> REPEAT: YY:1
 !-> SET DAT/FORM=CDF test140.1.nc
 !-> if 1 then
 !-> list/file=ed140_ma16.nc/format=cdf/clob/l=1/llimits=1:100 glat,glon,edmax
 LISTing to file ed140_ma16.nc
NetCDF: Not a valid data type or _FillValue type mismatch (OPeNDAP/netCDF Error code -45)
 could not change CDF mode
list/file=ed140_ma16.nc/format=cdf/clob/l=1/llimits=1:100 glat,glon,edmax
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
ncclose: ncid 131072: NetCDF: Not a valid data type or _FillValue type mismatch

ples. help anybody.Because I have to use more than 100 data file at a time in repeat command.also I want to list in a .nc data file. with regards

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