Thanks Russ and Akshay for the suggestions. It turns out that I need to be mor specific.The file contains a space delimited list of 28 variables in 28 columns. The first column is the critical time variable.
My command to open the file is:set data/ez/format=delimited/col=28/skip=1/del=" " "RAW/davis_msm184_30min.dat"
define axis/t/units=day/t0="1-jan-0000 00:00"/from_data time=v1 *** NOTE: Axis has repeated values -- micro-adjusting ...This is from the missing accuracy of the time variable in v1. Adding the /type="numeric" argument does not change this.
Alternatively,set data/ez/col=28/skip=1/var=v1,v2,v3,v4.v5,v6.v7.v8.v9,v10,v11,v12,v13,v14,v15,v16,v17,v18,v19,v20,v21,v22,v23,v24,v25,v26,v27,v28 "RAW/davis_msm184_30min.dat"
*** NOTE: attempt to initalize 24 variables *** NOTE: maximum allowed is 20 variables However, reading data this way define axis/t/units=day/t0="1-jan-0000 00:00"/from_data time=v1generates the desired time axis. Hence, reading the variables separately without a format specifier gives the correct answer. But now I have to split the file.
Generating a testfile with one column only set data/ez test.dta reads data correctly.So my conclusion is, that the missing precision is coupled to the fact, that I open the file in the delimited format.
Cheers, Martin Russ Fiedler wrote:
Hi Martin, Version 6.82 RH6 reads this to full precision so it looks like a difference between OS or a bug has crept in. russ-hf% ferret -nojnl NOAA/PMEL TMAP FERRET v6.82 Linux 2.6.32-279.1.1.el6.x86_64 64-bit - 08/03/12 3-May-13 09:55 yes? file/var=xx dummy yes? list/prec=10 xx VARIABLE : XX FILENAME : dummy X : 1 734707.0101 There also the /TYPE=r8 qualifier which might work or try specifying the Fortran format explicitly. Russ On Thu, 2013-05-02 at 17:50 +0200, Martin Schmidt wrote:Hi, I have an ASCII input file. One variable is the Julian day (from 0000) and looks like 734707.010069 Reading this with set data/ez I find list/prec=10 v1 1 / 1: 734707.0000 which is not, what I would like to get. I am using ferret_v6842_rh5, which should use real*8 accuracy for operations. Is there a way to read ASCII data with the same accuracy? I do not know, who had the idea to use this far away time origin, the data are as they are. Possibly for compatibility with EXCEL. For sure, I could edit the input file, remove the first four digits of the time variable and add this after reading the data. This workaround is fine for my example, but for a larger project I am interested in a more general solution with ferret - if it exists. Many thanks, Martin Schmidt