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Re: [ferret_users] problem to convert ASCII file to netcdf

Thanks for reply

Now the new problem coming  while I am trying temperature contour pot as

 DEFINE AXIS/Y/UNITS=degrees_south/npoints=`npts` yaxis=ypoints[I=1:`total`]
 !-> DEFINE AXIS/Y/UNITS=degrees_south/npoints=55 yaxis=ypoints[I=1:3049]
 *** NOTE: Axis has repeated values -- micro-adjusting ...
can da temp.dat
 DEFINE GRID/X=xaxis/Y=yaxis xygrid
 FILE/VAR="temp_x, temp_y,temp"/GRID=xygrid  temp.dat 
 sh gr temp
 name       axis              # pts   start                end
 XAXIS     LONGITUDE           55mi   86.666E(86.667)      92.583E(92.583)
 YAXIS     LATITUDE            55 r   20N                  19.999N
 normal    Z
 normal    T

 list/I=30:35/J=20:25 temp
             VARIABLE : TEMP
             FILENAME : temp.dat
             SUBSET   : 6 by 6 points (LONGITUDE-LATITUDE)
         88.416E88.458E88.5E  88.541E88.583E88.625E
          30     31     32     33     34     35
  / 25:  0.792  0.391 -0.475 -0.475 -0.866 -1.139
  / 24: -0.561 -0.471 -0.313 -0.244 -0.342 -1.130
  / 23: -0.367 -0.341 -0.518 -0.998 -1.088 -1.197
  / 22: -0.716 -0.729 -0.587 -0.088 -0.527 -1.140
  / 21:  0.619 -0.095 -0.314 -1.212 -1.259 -1.259
  / 20: -0.393 -0.173 -0.404 -0.080 -1.269 -1.776

shade temp
 **ERROR: illegal limits: TEMP is not in the range Y=20N:20N
          Axis extremes are Y=20N:20N

On 2 May 2013 14:46, Akshay Hegde <akshay.k.hegde@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Mishra

try this

file/var="xpoints,ypoints" temp.dat
let xdif = xpoints[I=@DDF]
let xcross = xdif[I=@EVNT:0.0415]
list/i=1:5  xpoints,xdif,xcross

LET npts = `xcross[I=@LOC:1]`

DEFINE AXIS/X/UNITS=degrees_east  xaxis = xpoints[I=1:`npts`]

LET total = `ypoints,RETURN=isize`

DEFINE AXIS/Y/UNITS=degrees_south/npoints=`npts` yaxis=ypoints[I=1:`total`]

sh axis y/yaxis

! Works try this

def grid/x=xaxis/y=yaxis mygrid

sh g mygrid

- Akshay Hegde

On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 1:38 PM, surja kanta Mishra <surmat84@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear all,
 while I am trying to convert an ASCII file to Netcdf file  for contour plot of temperature.  I have tried as an example is in the following link :

The error is coming as

 yes?  file/var="xpoints,ypoints" temp.dat 
 yes? let xdif = xpoints[I=@DDF]
 yes? let xcross = xdif[I=@EVNT:0.0415]
 yes? list/i=1:5  xpoints,xdif,xcross

Column  1: XPOINTS
 Column  2: XDIF is XPOINTS[I=@DDF]
 Column  3: XCROSS is XDIF[I=@EVNT:0.0415]
1    /  1:   86.67  0.042  0.000
2    /  2:   86.71  0.042  0.000
3    /  3:   86.75  0.042  0.000
4    /  4:   86.79  0.042  0.000
5    /  5:   86.83  0.375  0.000

yes?  LET npts = `xcross[I=@LOC:1]`
 !-> DEFINE VARIABLE npts = 55
yes?  DEFINE AXIS/X/UNITS=degrees_east  xaxis = xpoints[I=1:`npts`]
 !-> DEFINE AXIS/X/UNITS=degrees_east  xaxis = xpoints[I=1:55]
yes? LET total = `ypoints,RETURN=isize`
 !-> DEFINE VARIABLE total = 3049
yes? DEFINE AXIS/Y/UNITS=degrees_south yaxis=ypoints[I=1:`total`:`npts`]
 !-> DEFINE AXIS/Y/UNITS=degrees_south yaxis=ypoints[I=1:3049:55]
 **ERROR: improper grid or axis definition: data for DEFINE AXIS/FROM_VARIABLE is not monotonic

temperature data in ascii format is in attached file.

Please help me.
Surja Kanta Mishra
Junior Research Fellow (CSIR-NET, Funded by UGC)
School of Oceanographic Studies
Jadavpur University
Kolkata - 700032

Contacts: +91 9681091928
Alternate E-mail: sur_km@xxxxxxxxxxx 

Surja Kanta Mishra
Junior Research Fellow (CSIR-NET, Funded by UGC)
School of Oceanographic Studies
Jadavpur University
Kolkata - 700032

Contacts: +91 9681091928
Alternate E-mail: sur_km@xxxxxxxxxxx 

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