Dear Ferret users,
I'm getting stuck with an analysis problem - does anyone know a
solution? Given an hourly time series (e.g. 10 years), I would like
to calculate the maximum value that occurs in any january month of the
whole time series. Same for february, march, etcetera.
I can calculate the climatological monthly mean and anomalies without
problems using the climatological_axes. I can calculate the maximum
temperature in each january month separately by doing
! define a monthly_axis for the full 10 year period
let monthly_max_data = hourly_data[t=monthly_axis@max]
Now I'm stuck. How do I get the maximum of the individual january
maxima? I can compute the climatological average january maximum by
using monthly_max_data[gt=month_irreg@mod], but I can't use @mod and
@max at the same time.
I would like to write
let extreme_max = monthly_max_data[gt=month_irreg@max]
but ferret doesn't like that.
Any hints will be appreciated.