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Re: [ferret_users] Ferret users - Polar projection

The suggestions you've received so far are fine; there is another way to do map projections including the polar stereographic projection.  A starting place for this is the map-projection demo script:

yes? go mp_demo

which shows the method as well as a plot with a variety of projections.  The FAQ,


shows how to add labels, land overlays, etc. to these plots.


On 3/8/2013 9:50 AM, Lívia Sancho wrote:
Hi everyone!

I'm trying to do a stereographic polar plot but the error says that I don't have polar_grid.data. I've already unsuccessfully looked for it. Is there anyone here who knows where I can find it??

yes? use sit_O0.2001-2100.nc
yes? set window/asp=1:ax
yes? let sit_n=sit[l=1,y=60:90]
yes? go polar_2d fill sit_n 0 201 .3
 *** NOTE: USER command not available in this version
 **TMAP ERR: non-existent or not on line


Lívia Sancho

Oceanógrafa, BSc
+55 (21) 8574-0843
+55 (21) 8211-5158

Mestrado no Programa de Engenharia Civil (PEC/COPPE - UFRJ)
Área de Petróleo e Gás

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Laboratório de Métodos Computacionais em Engenharia
E-mail: sancho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Tel: +55 (21) 2562-8419

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