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[ferret_users] Regird tripolar grid

Hi Ferreters,
Can we regrid tripolar grid data from GFDL MOM model outputs (NetCDF format) to regular 2x2 grid using ferret?
I used the following script that failed in the Arctic region
use tos_day_GFDL-ESM2G_historical_r1i1p1_18610101-18651231.nc
define axis/x=0e: 358e:2/unit=degree xlon
define axis/y=88S:88N: 2/unit=degree ylat
define grid/x=xlon/y=ylat mygrid
list/file="tos.dat"/format=stream/L=1:1825/clobber tos[g=mygrid]

Any suggestions are welcomed.

Boyin Huang
Ingest and Analysis Branch
Global Climate Application Division
NCDC/NOAA, Room-514
Phone 828-271-4851
Fax 828-271-4022, 828-271-4246

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