Hi Otacilio, It's difficult to debug the problem when it's such a complex script, without having your data. I tried a simple script doing similar things, and the use of viewports itself doesn't seem to cause what you are seeing. Based on the example from color_vector_demo.jnl, my script sets a region, sets viewports, calls the scripts margins.jnl, color_vector.jnl, and land.jnl, and writes some labels. My test is below. I would suggest you move the frame command and the main label outside the repeat loops. Does that change the problem? If not then gradually simplify your script to see if you can see which part of it is causing the vector arrows to disappear. What is in the script 'go brasil' ? If you comment out that command does it change anything? If you don't use viewports, but just put a pause statement in the inner loop so you see each plot as it's made, do they have vector arrows? Here is my script. can mode logo set win/siz=0.5 set data monthly_navy_winds let uu = uwnd[d=1] let vv = vwnd[d=1] set reg/x=160:360/y=-30:70/t=15-JUL-1989 !--define color_vector fields as in the demo define symbol vec_cmd = VECTOR/hlimits=160:360:20/ vlimits=-30:70:10/nolab define symbol vec_u = uu ! u var name, no [],(),*,/,+,-, ^ stuff define symbol vec_v = vv ! v var name, no [],(),*,/,+,-, ^ stuff define symbol vec_len = 10 ! value for /LENGTH qualifier define symbol vec_xskip = 2 ! value for /XSKIP qualifier define symbol vec_yskip = 2 ! value for /YSKIP qualifier define symbol vec_arrowkey = YES ! YES or NO, for scale/key vector define symbol vec_veckey = 325,78,,(f4.1, " m/s")! arguments to "PPL VECKEY" command define symbol vec_lo = 0 ! low value for color levels define symbol vec_hi = 9 ! high value for color levels define symbol vec_delta = 0.5 ! delta value for color levels define symbol vec_pal = rainbow ! palette file name define symbol vec_colorkey = YES ! YES or NO, for color bar/key define symbol vec_shakey = 1,1,0.12,2 ! arguments to "PPL SHAKEY" command define symbol vec_otherppl = none !other ppl commands (should start with "ppl"), ! for example ! ppl xfor (f5.1, ''lonE'') set view upper go margins 1 0.9 0.9 1.2 go color_vector go land label/nouser `($PPL$XLEN)/2`, -.8, 0, 0, .2, @ASlabel1 set view lower go margins 1 0.9 0.9 1.2 go color_vector go land label/nouser `($PPL$XLEN)/2`, -.8, 0, 0, .2, @ASlabel2 set view full label/nou `($PPL$XLEN)/2`, 7.3, 0, 0, .18, @C07 Wind Speed xx mbar frame/file=color_vec_2.gif On 3/4/2013 4:34 AM, Otacilio Leandro