The original pplus did not have a time-axis style for long time axes like this. We've added a bit of support for such axes but it's not completely flexible.
For plotting, you might want to define a time axis with units of years, but not a calendar time axis. You'll need to take care that you are representing the same times, but here's an example. Say the time axis of the data is monthly from the start of 1940 through October of 1999.
yes? define axis/t=1940.0:1999.833/npoints=718/units=year yearax
yes? let/title="variable title"/units="variable units" my_plot_var = input_var[gt=yearax@asn]
This is not a calendar axis, so Ferret will NOT translate between the time units as it does for axes defined with both time units and a time origin. Again, make sure you're making an equivalent definition, and you have to use the @ASN transformation to put the data onto this axis, again because Ferret won't translate between the two.
Now if needed you would use the PPLUS commands such as AXNMTC and AXLINT to adjust tic marks on this axis.
On 2/13/2013 12:26 PM, Jian Ma wrote:
TonyAny other solution? Desperately appreciated!Hi William,Thanks. But this does not work either. It does not control the tics at all.
On Wed, Feb 13, 2013 at 6:55 AM, William S. Kessler <william.s.kessler@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
ppl txlint,low,high time axis lab intervals (0,1=yr only; 1,0=mon only; 3,1=every 3 mon+yr; 10,0=every 10 years, no months)
On Feb 12, 2013, at 5:18 PM, Jian Ma wrote:
> Hi All,
> I have a plot with 50 years data per viewport. the time axis is show with a tic for 10 years. I would like the tics to show up every year. I tried many ppl commands like TXNMTC, AXNMTC, AXATIC but none works. The tics show up well if I change the window ratio to very wide, though, however I don't like it that way. The automatic setting is annoying here.
> Anyone has ideas? Thank you very much!
> Tony