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Re: [ferret_users] Simultaneous ferret execs with -gif lead to "file exists" error
Hi Bill,
I'll let one of the Ferret developers answer the question about file
naming. But a quick workaround would be to have your Python script
create, and then cd into, a temporary directory named using the
process ID. Run your script inside that directory, and then move the
resulting image to your desired path.
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 7:47 PM, Gustafson, William I
<william.gustafson@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I have written a Python script to wrap around a Ferret script so that I
> can simultaneously generate lots of panels for an animation. The Python
> script uses MPI to distribute lots (order 100's) of Ferret sessions across
> a Linux cluster. The problem is that it almost works, but not quite. A
> small percentage of the resulting gif files are not generated because
> Ferret thinks the output file already exists. I get errors like:
> **ERROR: .gif: File exists
> gdeactivatews() 3 GKS not in proper state: GKS shall be in the state
> gactivatews() 6 GKS not in proper state: GKS shall be either in the
> state WSOP or in the state WSAC
> ginqwsconntype() 7 GKS not in proper state: GKS shall be in one of the
> states WSOP, WSAC or SGOP
> gsetwswindow() 7 GKS not in proper state: GKS shall be in one of the
> states WSOP, WSAC or SGOP
> gescsetdcsize() 7 GKS not in proper state: GKS shall be in one of the
> states WSOP, WSAC or SGOP
> gupdatews() 7 GKS not in proper state: GKS shall be in one of the
> states WSOP, WSAC or SGOP
> Cached data cleared from memory
> **ERROR: required program command has not been given: graphical output
> device isnt ready
> POLYGON/nolab/noaxes/line=1 {0,0,1,1,0},{0,1,1,0,0}
> Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
> The Ferret script uses the command "frame/file=anim`aa`.gif" to write the
> file, and Ferret is executed using the "-gif -script <scriptname>" command
> line options. I have verified that every process is using unique filenames
> so there should be no overlap problem.
> Has anybody else run into this sort of error? Does Ferret's frame command
> use a generic name and then rename the file to the final output name? If
> so, that could lead to this sort of behavior. Any suggestions on how to
> get around this?
> If it helps, here is the relevant parts of the Ferret script (note that
> plot_bp is a 2nd script that does the actual plot commands):
> define symbol start = $1
> define symbol end = $2
> let aa=($start)
> repeat/l=($start):($end) ( ;\
> go plot_bp ;\
> frame/file="anim/anim`aa`.gif" ;\
> let aa=`aa+1` ;\
> )
> And, here is the main portion of the Python script:
> nproc = comm.Get_size()
> myrank = comm.Get_rank()
> script = "anim_auto.jnl" # Ferret script name
> t1 = 0 # 0-based start index for input file time
> t2 = 100 # 0-based end index for input file time
> #
> # Have each task call Ferret for its set of times...
> #
> t1me,t2me = distribute_times(t1,t2,myrank,nproc,comm) # Returns times for
> this task
> ntme = t2me-t1me+1
> for k in xrange(t1me,t2me+1):
> cmd = "csh -c \"source ~/ferret_paths; ferret -gif -script
> "+script+" %d %d\""%(k+1,k+1)
> os.system(cmd)
> Also, if it would matter, I am running on a cluster that uses a Lustre
> file system. I have had some trouble in the past with some programs that
> expect to be able to do file locking, which Lustre doesn't like. But, I do
> not think that is the case for Ferret.
> Thanks,
> Bill
> ___________________________________________________________________
> William I. Gustafson Jr., Ph.D.
> Scientist
> Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
> P.O. 999, MSIN K9-30
> Richland, WA 99352
> Tel: 509-372-6110
> William.Gustafson@xxxxxxxx
> http://www.pnnl.gov/atmospheric/staff/staff_info.asp?staff_num=5716
> http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-7732-2008
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