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[ferret_users] Re: Ferret crash; signal = 11

Hi Penney,
The message is not too helpful is it. It's a crash, meaning an error that's not trapped by Ferret, or in this case perhaps it's within the netCDF library calls (or even in some other library that Ferret links with of course).

We have seen these crashes within the NetCDF library with netCDF versions before the current release, Netcdf4.2.1.1.  Ferret v6.72 is linked with netCDF version 4.1.2.  I believe the message you found was resolved with a Ferret upgrade.


On 2/6/2013 7:42 AM, Oots, Penny C. (LARC-E301)[SCIENCE SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS, INC] wrote:
I have a single netcdf file that gets the following error when 'Save As' is clicked and NETCDF is selected as the output file type. 
**ERROR Ferret crash; signal = 11
We are using Ferret 6.72 with version 7.3 of the Live Access Server.
To see the full error listing, go to http://mynasadata.larc.nasa.gov/las/getUI.do, select Land Surface, Monthly Surface Ski Temperature (SRB), Save As, Netcdf. 
In searching the archives, I found this page but I wasn't sure how the problem was resolved


Penny Oots

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