Hi, Just to expand on Hein's answer a bit. If the locations are in two variables xpts, ypts, it looks like this ! make a map (or just plot some XY data) In Ferret v6.84, if the x-location data has units of longitude and the xy plot has an x-axis in units of longitude, Ferret will apply a modulo translation and locate the marks on the map even if the map is, say 0:360 and the x-locations are listed in -180:180 for instance. Ansley On 1/16/2013 3:43 AM, Hein Zelle wrote:
FISSEHA G. BERHANE wrote:I was wondering how I can show station locations on a map using symbols.plot /overlay /symbol=20 /color=blue {4.5,7.3},{50.3,52.6} will plot 2 symbols, one at 4.5,50.3 and one at 7.3,52.6 . You can use the label command to also add station names. Kind regards, Hein Zelle |