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Re: [ferret_users] ,return=lend and constants

Thanks Russ. This may be related to another bug that's already been reported having to do with variables that are constants. I'll get the details from Ryo and we'll report back what we find.


On 10/17/2012 8:43 PM, Russ Fiedler wrote:

It looks to be related to the new E and F axes.

Defining refp to be on the same grid as salt and temp

let refp = 0*salt

works with V6.82.

On Thu, 2012-10-18 at 12:55 +1100, Ryo Furue wrote:
Ferret users,

Has anybody seen this behavior? Is this a bug?  Basically,
"return=lend" tries to allocate a lot of memory in some cases.

yes? set data bug.nc
yes? let refp = 0
yes? let den1 = RHO_UN(salt,temp,0)    !! Good
yes? let den2 = RHO_UN(salt,temp,refp) !! Bad
yes? say `den1,return=lend`
yes? say `den2,return=lend`
  **ERROR: request exceeds memory setting: 10 Mwords were requested.
[ . . . remaining error messages elided . . .]

The dataset bug.nc contains salt(i,j,k,l) and temp(i,j,k,l)
with l = 1:2.  I'm attaching the results of "show grid" below.

If you are interested and you cannot reproduce this error,
I'll send the dataset to you.

I'm currently using
FERRET v6.81 Linux 2.6.32-279.1.1.el6.x86_64 32-bit - 07/23/12

The same script didn't cause this error some versions ago.

yes? show grid den1
     GRID GCF1
  name       axis              # pts   start                end
  LONGITUDE_T LONGITUDE        564mr   104.17E(104.17)      68.167W(291.83)
  LATITUDE_T LATITUDE          168 r   25.833S              29.833N
  DEPTH_T   DEPTH (m)           51 i-  2.5                  5745
  TIME1     TIME                 2 r   21-JAN-2031 00:00    01-FEB-2031 00:00
  normal    E
  normal    F
yes? show grid den2
     GRID (G002)
  name       axis              # pts   start                end
  LONGITUDE_T LONGITUDE        564mr   104.17E(104.17)      68.167W(291.83)
  LATITUDE_T LATITUDE          168 r   25.833S              29.833N
  DEPTH_T   DEPTH (m)           51 i-  2.5                  5745
  TIME1     TIME                 2 r   21-JAN-2031 00:00    01-FEB-2031 00:00
  ABSTRACT  E              9999999 r   1                    9999999
  ABSTRACT  F              9999999 r   1                    9999999

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