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[ferret_users] Error while using "SET MEMORY/SIZE" command

Dear ferret users,
I am accessing a large data file through opendap and would like to save the file in netcdf format.

My script looks as follows.

! Some initializations.
 set mode verify !all commands are displayed on screen.
 cancel window/all !eliminates graphics window from screen.
 cancel region !cancel the current region.
 cancel variable/all !delete all user defined variables.
 cancel data/all !eliminates all data.

! Load data file.
 set mode desperate
 use "http://apdrc.soest.hawaii.edu:80/dods/public_data/SODA/soda_pop2.2.4"

! Saving the file in Netcdf format using a loop
n (save/file="/users/cshaji/work/data/soda/sodaworknow/SODA_2.2.4_ssh_1871to2008.nc"/append ssh[l=`n`:`n+1655`])

While writing the netcdf file, I get the following error message.

!-> REPEAT: N:1
 !-> LIST/FORMAT=CDF/file="/users/cshaji/work/data/soda/sodaworknow/SODA_2.2.4_ssh_1871to2008.nc"/append ssh[l=1:1656]
 LISTing to file /users/cshaji/work/data/soda/sodaworknow/SODA_2.2.4_ssh_1871to2008.nc
 **ERROR: request exceeds memory setting: 393465600 words were requested.
LIST/FORMAT=CDF/file="/users/cshaji/work/data/soda/sodaworknow/SODA_2.2.4_ssh_1871to2008.nc"/append ssh[l=1:1656]
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
 *** NOTE: You can use SET MEMORY/SIZE=xxx to increase memory.
 *** NOTE: The "Memory use" section of the FERRET Users Guide has further tips.

I don't know how to fix this error message. Right now I gave memory size as 416. What will be a good number to give to fix the error message and how I can come to know about that.
Please give me some suggestions to fix the error.



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