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Re: [ferret_users] Problems using external function SCAT2GRIDGAUSS_ZT

Hi Bastian,
Thank you for the report.  There is a bug in the scat2gridgauss_zt function in checking the time axis!  It will be fixed in the next release.


On 3/29/2012 2:21 AM, Kern, Bastian wrote:
Hi all,

I'm getting an error, trying to use the external function SCAT2GRIDGAUSS_ZT in ferret v6.62.

I have some chlorophyll profiles from HOT as ASCII and want to put them on a depth-time grid for further processing and plotting. My ferret script so far:

SET DATA/SKIP=2/FORMAT=DELIMITED/TYPE=" numeric , text, text, numeric, numeric"/VAR=nr,date,time,dbar,chla hplc_chla_noinvalid.txt

let mm=STRFLOAT(SUBSTRING(date[d=1],0,2))
let dd=STRFLOAT(SUBSTRING(date[d=1],3,2))
let yy=STRFLOAT(SUBSTRING(date,5,2))

let year=IF yy GT 50 THEN yy + 1900 ELSE yy + 2000

let date_new= DAYS1900(year, mm, dd) - DAYS1900(1988, 01, 01)


yes? sho dat
     currently SET data sets:
    1> ./hplc_chla_noinvalid.txt  (default)
 name     title                             I         J         K         L
 NR       NR                               1:20480   ...       ...       ...
 DATE     DATE                             1:20480   ...       ...       ...
 TIME     TIME                             1:20480   ...       ...       ...
 DBAR     DBAR                             1:20480   ...       ...       ...
 CHLA     CHLA                             1:20480   ...       ...       ...

yes? list date_new[i=1:5]
             VARIABLE : DAYS1900(YEAR, MM, DD) - DAYS1900(1988, 01, 01)
             FILENAME : hplc_chla_noinvalid.txt
             SUBSET   : 5 points (X)
 1   / 1:  337.0
 2   / 2:  337.0
 3   / 3:  337.0
 4   / 4:  337.0
 5   / 5:  337.0

yes? list dbar[i=1:5]
             VARIABLE : DBAR
             FILENAME : hplc_chla_noinvalid.txt
             SUBSET   : 5 points (X)
 1   / 1:   2.10
 2   / 2:  22.80
 3   / 3:  48.60
 4   / 4:  73.00
 5   / 5:  98.20

yes? list chla[i=1:5]
             VARIABLE : CHLA
             FILENAME : hplc_chla_noinvalid.txt
             SUBSET   : 5 points (X)
 1   / 1:   23.0
 2   / 2:   34.0
 3   / 3:   55.0
 4   / 4:   56.0
 5   / 5:  135.0

Trying to use SCAT2GRIDGAUSS_XY works:

define axis/x=0:300:1/units=meters xax
define axis/y=300:400:1 yax
let chla_reg = scat2gridgauss_xy(dbar[i=1:5],date_new[i=1:5],chla[i=1:5],x[gx=xax],y[gy=yax],1.,1.,1.,0)
shade chla_reg


define axis/t=300:400:1 tax
define axis/z=0:300:1 zax
let chla_reg = scat2gridgauss_zt(dbar[i=1:5],date_new[i=1:5],chla[i=1:5],z[gz=zax],t[gt=tax],1.,1.,1.,0)
shade chla_reg

Bailing out of external function "scat2gridgauss_zt":
         output axes must be REGULARLY spaced
 **ERROR: error in external function

But I don't know why. The output axes are regularly...

sho ax/all
 name       axis              # pts   start                end
 PSXT      LONGITUDE          160mr   130.5E               70.5W
 PSXU      LONGITUDE          160mr   131E                 70W
 PSYT      LATITUDE           100 i   28.836S              48.567N
 PSYU      LATITUDE           100 i   27.672S              50N
 PSZT      DEPTH (m)           27 i-  5                    3824
 PSZW      DEPTH (m)           27 i-  10                   4149
 ABSTRACT                 9999999 r   1                    10000000
 EZ                         20480 r   1                    20480
 ZPRESS    DEPTH (m)         2284 i-  1.9                  257.4
 YAX       Y                  101 r   300                  400
 XAX       X (METERS)         301 r   0                    300
 TAX       T                  101 r   300                  400
 ZAX       Z                  301 r   0                    300

It doesn't matter how I define the t-axis (using t="startdate":"enddate":step ; using to="01-JAN-1988" ; using different calendar=... also doesn't help).

Any suggestions appreciated.

Thank you,
Bastian Kern

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