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[ferret_users] heat transport

Hi, I'm trying to calculate heat transport across the drake passage and acros the 32° parallel in the Atlantic.
I was able to calculate across the 32° parallel, but I got a recorrent error for the Drake passage. It says: ERROR: Inconsistent sizes of data regions: y axis temp[d=1] has 45 points (J=08:52) _expression_ has 46 points (J=07:52).
I'm sending the script attached.
Can someone help me??

Lívia Sancho

Faculdade de Oceanografia - UERJ
55 (21) 8574-0843
55 (21) 8211-5158

Av. República do Chile, 330
Edifício Ventura - 16° andar
55 (21) 2144-3200

Attachment: calor_camadas_h2_drake.jnl
Description: Binary data

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