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Re: [ferret_users] Naming (sorting) output frames in the loop REPEAT/L=...

Hi Sergei

I usually naming gif files like this way
repeat/L=1,120,12 (....;frame/file=frame_`L`.gif)
then files will save as its name, for example:
frame_24.gif .....

Hope this helps.

Regards, dan 

2011/7/19 Sergei Maurits <maurits@xxxxxxxx>
Dear Ferret Users, 

I output GIF files in the large loop with command REPEAT/L=1,120, 12. So far I failed 
to find syntax solution that would output my GIF-frames with L-count, like frame.001.gif, 
frame.002.gif, ...etc.  

Naturally, in the standard output the frames are named according to the Ferret standards


So, my questions:

1. Is there any way to name output with the current value of loop variable L in the GIF file name?
2. Are there some UNIX  tools for the following transition 

first frame         frame.gif         ==> frame.0001.gif
second frame  frame.gif.~1~ ==> frame.0002.gif
or something without leading zeros and dots (these are easy to insert) like

first frame        ==> frame.1.gif
second frame ==> frame.2.gif

Basically, I need something that counts frame not in a regular order and substitutes 
~n~  in Ferret notation with the direct order frame number

I am aware about Fsort utility, but I'd like to check first about other tools before I 
start my own scripting. 

Thank you, 
Sergei Maurits

Dr. Sergei Maurits, HPC Specialist
Arctic Region Supercomputing Center
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Fairbanks, AK 99775-6020
907 450 8697 voice   907 450 8604 fax.

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