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Re: [ferret_users] question about replace a value on a grid

Hi Liya,

In case you are a newcomer to Ferret I'll mention that as a general rule Ferret style prefers that you do not alter the original file.  Instead use the LET command with an IF clause to define a new variable based on the file variable, but having the corrections you want.  Then use the new LET-defined variable instead of the original for whatever your analysis and visualization needs are.

If you really do want to edit the file, though, it is just a small addition to the above strategy.  You use the SET VARIABLE/NAME  (http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/Ferret/documentation/users-guide/commands-reference/SET#_VPINDEXENTRY_1760) as you see below.   Note that the technique is elegant if you have a block of values to change through a systematic algorithm;  it is clumsy if you have a collection of individual replacements.

Here's a very quick example session that replaces the single value of "sst" at i=50,j=50,l=5
  • create a test file for experimentation
    yes? use coads_climatology
    yes? save/file=my_edit_test.nc sst

  • open the file and replace one value in it
    yes? use my_edit_test
    yes? show data
         currently SET data sets:
        1> ./my_edit_test.nc  (default)
     name     title                             I         J         K         L
     SST      SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE          1:180     1:90      ...       1:12
    yes? list sst[i=50,j=50,l=5]
                 FILENAME : my_edit_test.nc
                 LONGITUDE: 119E
                 LATITUDE : 9N
                 TIME     : 16-MAY 23:56
    yes? set var/name=old_sst sst
    yes? show data
         currently SET data sets:
        1> ./my_edit_test.nc  (default)
     name     title                             I         J         K         L
     OLD_SST  SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE          1:180     1:90      ...       1:12
    yes? let sst = IF i eq 50 AND j eq 50 AND l eq 5 then 999 else old_sst
    yes? save/append/file=my_edit_test.nc sst[i=50,j=50,l=5]
     LISTing to file my_edit_test.nc
    yes? q

  • confirm that the change has been made
    yes? use my_edit_test.nc
    yes? list sst[i=50,j=50,l=5]
                 FILENAME : my_edit_test.nc
                 LONGITUDE: 119E
                 LATITUDE : 9N
                 TIME     : 16-MAY 23:56

You might check the email archives to see if there is more detail on this subject (http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/Ferret/email-users-group). 

    - Steve


On 3/21/2011 1:03 PM, Liya Jin wrote:
Dear Ferreters,

There is a data file (sst.nc) like this:

(ncdump -h sst.nc)

      x = 182 ;
      y = 149 ;
      deptht = 31 ;
      time = UNLIMITED ; // (73 currently)
      float nav_lon(y, x) ;
              nav_lon:long_name = "Longitude" ;
              nav_lon:units = "degrees_east" ;
              nav_lon:standard_name = "longitude" ;
      float nav_lat(y, x) ;
              nav_lat:long_name = "Latitude" ;
              nav_lat:units = "degrees_north" ;
              nav_lat:standard_name = "latitude" ;
      float deptht(deptht) ;
              deptht:long_name = "Vertical T levels" ;
              deptht:units = "m" ;
      double time(time) ;
              time:units = "days since 999-01-03 12:00" ;
    float sosstsst(time, y, x) ;
              sosstsst:long_name = "Sea Surface temperature" ;
              sosstsst:units = "C" ;
              sosstsst:coordinates = "nav_lon nav_lat" ;
              sosstsst:valid_min = 1.00000002004088e+20 ;
              sosstsst:valid_max = -1.00000002004088e+20 ;
              sosstsst:short_name = "sosstsst" ;
              sosstsst: ;
              sosstsst:interval_operation = 5760. ;
              sosstsst:interval_write = 432000. ;

I would like to replace the values of some grids of the variable (sosstsst) with new values, e.g., replace sosstsst(time, 88,160) with sosstsst(time, 89,160), or with the interpolated values of surrounding grids (e.g., (sosstsst(time, 89,160)+sosstsst(time, 90,160))/2). Then the sosstsst(time, 88,160) will have a new value in sst.nc.

How can I do this with Ferret? Thanks for your help!


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