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[ferret_users] problems for concatenate several netcdf files

Dear all,

I am trying to concatenate some model outputs but neither option available on the FAQ (http://ferret.pmel.noaa.gov/FERRET_17sep07/FAQ/data_management/multi_dataset.html ) is working. I forced my new time axis to have the same time of each file but it's still not working.
Above my sequence of commands and error message. Anyone could help?


yes? define axis/t="01-feb-1971 11:40":"01-jan-2001 11:40":30/unit=days/calendar=
360_DAY t30anos
yes? define grid/t=t30anos gg
yes? let temp_T = t[g=gg]*0 + temp
yes? set variable/title="Pot. Temperature"/units="deg C" temp_T
yes? use "../197101.nc"
yes? save/file=concat_1971-2000.cdf temp_t[l=1]
 LISTing to file concat_1971-2000.cdf
yes? use "../197102.nc"
yes? save/file=concat_1971-2000.cdf/append/clobber temp_t[l=2]
 *** NOTE: Ambiguous coordinates on T axis: T[G=GG]*0 + TEMP
 **ERROR: illegal limits: TEMP does not exist at L=2
          Axis extremes are L=1
yes? show grid temp[d=1]
 name       axis              # pts   start                end
 XT_I      LONGITUDE          609mi   97.5W                21.625E(381.62)
 YT_J      LATITUDE           211 i   47.5S                57.5N
 ZT_K      DEPTH (m)           20 i-  7.5                  2857.8
 TIME      TIME                 1 r   01-FEB-1971 11:40    01-FEB-1971 11:40
yes? show grid temp[d=2]
 name       axis              # pts   start                end
 XT_I      LONGITUDE          609mi   97.5W                21.625E(381.62)
 YT_J      LATITUDE           211 i   47.5S                57.5N
 ZT_K      DEPTH (m)           20 i-  7.5                  2857.8
 TIME1     TIME                 1 r   01-MAR-1971 11:40    01-MAR-1971 11:40

 Dr. Domingos Urbano
 Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE
 Rodovia Presidente Dutra, km 40
 12630-000 - Cachoeira Paulista - SP - Brasil
 tel: 55(12)3186.8552 fax: 55(12)3101.2835

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