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Re: [ferret_users] convert GIFs to movie

So, basically, I'd like to hear what methods/tools other people
are using.  I'd like to try them ...
Hi Ryo,

Perhaps you may find the solution to produce flash animation convinient because you can control to speed of the animation, resize the animation and stop on a specific frame
without any particular codec.
The main advantage is that you can play your animation everywhere since the flash format
is very popular and available though plugins on most browsers.
You can also embed it in Powerpoint document.

I have developped a tool to produce flash animation from png files.
A example about an IPCC comparison on 2 scenarios is available from
Images have been produced with ferret of course.

The script is available from
Pass a google translation on it.

Hope you will find that useful.

Data Analysis and Visualization Engineer
IPSL Global Climate Modelling Group

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