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Re: [ferret_users] Axis names for Ferret, which attributes in NetCDF files ?

 Hi Olivier,
The axis labels don't use any of the attributes; they are just set up to find a few known types of axes such as longitude, latitude, and time; and label those. All other axes are labeled only with X, Y, Z, T.  The exception to this are PLOT/VS plots, where the axes are labeled with the names of the two variables that are being plotted.

It seems reasonable that if the axes are not spatial or time axes, that Ferret should use the axis name, or an attribute such as long_name. We'll look at the implications of doing that.


On 9/30/2010 7:46 AM, Olivier Marti wrote:

I have the following NetCDF file :

netcdf PHC3_1y_orca2_histo {
        Salinity = 100 ;
        Temperature = 100 ;
        float Salinity(Salinity) ;
                Salinity:units = "PSU" ;
                Salinity:axis = "X" ;
                Salinity:name = "Salinity" ;
                Salinity:long_name = "Salinity" ;
                Salinity:standard_name = "Salinity" ;
        float Temperature(Temperature) ;
                Temperature:units = "C" ;
                Temperature:axis = "Y" ;
                Temperature:name = "Temperature" ;
                Temperature:long_name = "Temperature" ;
                Temperature:standard_name = "Temperature" ;
        float Volume(Temperature, Salinity) ;
                Volume:units = "km^3" ;
                Volume:long_name = "Volume, S=[34.4:35.1:0.007],T=[-1.0:4.0:0.05]" ;

// global attributes:
                :title = "S/T histogram from file /dmnfs/cont003/p86mart/GRAF/DATA/PHC3_1y_orca2.nc" ;
                :institution = "IPSL" ;
                :comment = "Made by histogram_2D_compute.py" ;
                :history = "Created Thu Sep 30 16:24:59 2010" ;

When I "SHADE" the variable "Volume", the axis are labelled as "X (PSU)" and "Y (C)".

Which attributes should I set in the NetCDF file to have the correct labeling : "Salinity (PSU)" and 'Temperature (C)". I've tried "name", "standard_name" and "long_name" with no success.



PS: Ferret version is 6.61 on Linux(gfortran) 2.6.9-89.0.20.ELsmp - 04/28/10

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