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[ferret_users] map projection journal files for Lambert Conformal Conic and Azimuthal Equal Area

Couldn't find any in the user group archives, so made my own (using the Lambert cylindrical journal file as a template), as attached. Might be worth adding to the next release? (Projections used by the geological community and USGS and Canadian cartographers..)



Lev Tarasov -   Dept of Physics and Physical Oceanography,
		Memorial University of Newfoundland.
\ cancel mode verify	
! mp_lambert_az.jnl --  Sets up variables for a Lambert Azimuthal equal area
!                  projection using 'curvilinear coordinates' code in Ferret v4.50
! Lev Tarasov
! 6/10
!uses equations from http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LambertAzimuthalEqual-AreaProjection.html
! Description:  Sets up variables for a Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area map of the world
! Usage:                   arg1               arg2
!  go mp_lambert_az [central meridian] [standard parallel]
! arg 1 - longitude used for the center of the projection
! arg 2 - latitude used for the center of the projection

! Example:
!  use coads_climatology 
!  go mp_lambert_az
!  set grid sst
!  shade sst[l=1], x_page, y_page
! Note 1: If you intend to plot an overlay which is a subregion
!         of the original plot you will need to specify the two
!         optional arguments as in:
!  use coads_climatology 
!  go mp_lambert_az
!  set grid sst
!  shade sst[l=1], x_page, y_page
!  go mp_lambert_az `mp_central_meridian` `mp_standard_parallel`
!  set region/x=40e:110e/y=60s:20s
!  shade/over slp[l=1], x_page, y_page
! Note 2: The x-range for the subregion to be overlayed must
!         be: ( `mp_cent_mer` - 180 < x < `mp_cent_me`r + 180 )

if `$2%0% gt 90` then
    query/ignore $3"<The standard parallel must be between -90 and 90"
elif `$2%0% lt (-90)` then
    query/ignore $3"<The standard parallel must be between -90 and 90"

let/quiet mp_x = x
let/quiet mp_central_meridian = $1%(mp_x[i=@max] + mp_x[i=@min])/2%
let/quiet mp_y = y
let/quiet mp_standard_parallel = $2%(mp_y[j=@max] + mp_y[j=@min])/2%

let/quiet Pi = 3.14159265
let/quiet deg2rad = Pi / 180.0

let/quiet Rk = 1. +  sin(mp_phi0)*sin(mp_phi) + cos(mp_phi0)*cos(mp_phi)*cos(mp_lambda-mp_lambda0)
let/quiet mp_R = EXP( 0.5*LN( 2./Rk ) )
let/quiet mp_lambda0 = mp_central_meridian * deg2rad
let/quiet mp_lambda = mp_x * deg2rad
let/quiet mp_phi = mp_y * deg2rad
let/quiet mp_phi0 = mp_standard_parallel * deg2rad

let/quiet x_page = mp_R * cos(mp_phi) * sin(mp_lambda-mp_lambda0)                    ! eqn (1)
let/quiet y_page = mp_R * cos(mp_phi0) * sin(mp_phi) - sin(mp_phi0) * cos(mp_phi) * cos(mp_lambda-mp_lambda0) !eqn 2

let/quiet mp_mask = if Rk gt 0 then 1

set mode/last verify
\ cancel mode verify	
! mp_lambert_cc.jnl --  Sets up variables for a Lambert Conformal Conic
!                  projection using 'curvilinear coordinates' code in Ferret v4.50
! Lev Tarasov
! 6/10
!uses equations from http://mathworld.wolfram.com/LambertConformalConicProjection.html
! Description:  Sets up variables for a Lambert Conformal Conic map of the world
! Usage:                   arg1               arg2            arg 3      arg 4
!  go mp_lambert_cc [central meridian] [ref parallel] [standard paralle1 and 2]
! arg 1 - longitude used for the center of the projection
! arg 2 - latitude used for the center of the projection
! arg 3 - standard paralell 1 (latitude)
! arg 4 - standard paralell 2 ("")

! NOTE: there is no error checking on the argument bounds. Longitude
! bounds likely vary with your grid definition (-180 to 180 or
! 0 to 360), latitude is  -90 to 90

! Example:
!  use coads_climatology 
!  go mp_lambert_cc long1 lat0 lat1 lat2
!  set grid sst
!  shade sst[l=1], x_page, y_page

!if `$2%0% gt 90` then
!    query/ignore $3"<The standard parallel must be between -90 and 90"
!elif `$2%0% lt (-90)` then
!    query/ignore $3"<The standard parallel must be between -90 and 90"

let/quiet mp_x = x
let/quiet mp_central_meridian = $1
let/quiet mp_y = y
let/quiet mp_central_parallel = $2
let/quiet mp_standard_parallel = $2
let/quiet mp_standard_parallel1 = $3
let/quiet mp_standard_parallel2 = $4

let/quiet Pi = 3.14159265
let/quiet deg2rad = Pi / 180.0

let/quiet mp_lambda0 = mp_central_meridian * deg2rad
let/quiet mp_lambda = mp_x * deg2rad
let/quiet mp_phi = mp_y * deg2rad
let/quiet mp_phi0 = mp_central_parallel * deg2rad
let/quiet mp_phi1 = mp_standard_parallel1 * deg2rad
let/quiet mp_phi2 = mp_standard_parallel2 * deg2rad

let/quiet RN =LN(cos(mp_phi1)/cos(mp_phi2)) / LN(tan(0.25*Pi + 0.5*mp_phi2)/tan(0.25*Pi + 0.5*mp_phi1) )   !eq 4

let/quiet mRN = (-1.0)*RN
let/quiet RF = cos(mp_phi1)*EXP( RN*LN(tan(0.25*Pi + 0.5*mp_phi1) ) ) / RN !eq 3

let/quiet mp_R = RF * EXP( mRN*LN(tan(0.25*Pi + 0.5*mp_phi) ) )   !eq 5
let/quiet mp_R0 = RF * EXP( mRN*LN(tan(0.25*Pi + 0.5*mp_phi0) ) ) !eq 6

let/quiet x_page = mp_R * sin(RN*(mp_lambda-mp_lambda0))     ! eqn (1)
let/quiet y_page = mp_R0 - mp_R * cos(RN*(mp_lambda-mp_lambda0)) !eqn 2

let/quiet mp_mask = if mp_R gt 0 then 1

set mode/last verify

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