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Re: [ferret_users] regriding data from (lon lat) axis to (x_page y_page) axis (stereographic projection)

Thank you , it works now !
I didn't have rect_to_curv on ferret5.70 so I downloaded ferret6.1

I had these 3 data file :
    1> ./acan_arthern.nc
 name     title                             I         J         K         L
 ACC      Accumulation                1:361     1:61      ...       ...
               on grid GTH1 with -1.000000E+34 for missing data
             X=-0.5:360.5  Y=-90.2:-59.8

    2> ./lonlat.nc
 name     title                             I         J         K         L
 LON      Longitude                        1:311     1:311     ...       ...
             degrees on grid GMZ1 with -1.000000E+34 for missing data
             X=-3110:3110  Y=-3110:3110
 LAT      Latitude                         1:311     1:311     ...       ...
             degrees on grid GMZ1 with -1.000000E+34 for missing data
             X=-3110:3110  Y=-3110:3110

    3> ./acanMAR0405.nc
 name     title                             I         J         K         L
          (SNOWHY[D=snowHY.20050101,L=4]-  1:311     1:311     ...       1:1
               on grid GNW1 with -1.000000E+34 for missing data
             X=-3110:3110  Y=-3110:3110
  time range: 01-JAN-2005 18:00

Where LON and LAT are the longitudes and latitudes corresponding to X and Y of ACCMAR0405

I wanted to have the same grid for ACC and ACCMAR0405 to compare them.
Here is the ferret command to do that :

let lonout=lon[d=2]
let latout=lat[d=2]
let ACC_new=rect_to_curv(ACC[d=1],lonout,latout,1)



2008/5/14, Peter Szabo <szabpet83@xxxxxxxxx>:
Dear Cécile,
As i understand you question you need to have your (rectilinear) data set in a curvilinear grid.
You can have it easily by the RECT_TO_CURV function. You only need two curvilinear grid variables (2D fields of lons and lats describing the curvilinear grid) from an other, curvilinear file or from yours:

go mp_stereographic_south
set grid your_old
!now you have variables like `mp_standard_parallel` and `mp_central_meridian` and x_page and y_page

!the `mp_standard_parallel and `mp_central_meridian` are constants (the middle of your map), the x_page and y_page are variables (they are just differences from the standard_parallel and central_meridian). so somehow you need to add them or sub them to get the correct curvilinear coordinates. i did not have time for further analyse.

let x_st=x_page+
let y_st=y_page+

after this you can use:

let your_new=rect_to_curv(your_old,x_st,y_st,1)
save/file="..." your_new

hope this helps a bit,

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