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[ferret_users] Re:


I believe that the problem with scp has to do with the message that gets echoed to the console when you source the ferret_paths files. I think an easy fix is to bury this annoying message in /dev/null. Modify your .cshrc or .login to look like this:

source /your/path/to/this/file/ferret_paths > & /dev/null


Dr. Sudheer Joseph wrote:
Dear Users,
              I am facing a problem with the sourcing of ferret_paths.
I have a .login file which sources my ferret_paths in my usr/local directory. The problem is that if I am not disabling this this. I am not able to use scp for copying files from the machine to anywhere . though it is a major problem it is really annoying and each time one has to de activate ferret_paths. Can any one suggest an ideal solution?


% Dr. Sudheer Joseph                         %
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